Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Secret To Amazing Cleaning

By Dennis Rendel

When looking at resolutions, many revolve around weight loss or organization. When people set lofty goals that are way out of their reach, they tend to fail. When it comes to improving your personal organization, look to making baby steps instead of leaping for the moon. If you are looking to try to improve your personal organization, start small with these four steps; soon enough you will be able to conquer mountains.

A large problem when it comes to personal organization is not being able to find things. You can feel more organized just by being able to locate normally needed objects and items. Start to organize your closets and your personal organization will be well underway to improving. Set a goal to organize one closet a month. Do not just clean your closets, organize; make a system that ensures that everything has a place in the closet and is actually kept there and that items that do not belong in the closet are removed. Once the closets in your home are organized, you will be able to refocus your newly found personal organization efforts to the other nooks and crannies that are jumbled messes!

Many people who feel they lack personal organization are overwhelmed by clutter. It is a serious goal to remove the clutter your home. Instead of feeling defeated by this goal before you start, start small; remove the clutter of plastic shopping bags. Once you have purchased enough cloth shopping bags to carry the average grocery purchase in, you are ready to go. Use the cloth bags in place of plastic no matter where you are shopping. Your goal to find personal organization will happen when you cut down on one aspect of the clutter in your life.

When you are looking to find personal organization, also look at your finances. Today's financial world is full of convenient time savers; use these to boost your personal organization. Only one hour a month is enough to streamline this part of your life in as little as a year. Your personal organization will amaze you when you have signed up for auto-billing programs that will remove the stress of managing due dates, online statements that keep you from sorting through paper statements, and prescheduled transfers that will cut down the number of bank runs you must make.

Reading books and articles about personal organization is another great way to improve your own. While you will not like every idea you find while reading, you will more than likely find at least one that will help you in your life.

No two people will find that every personal organization skill will help them in the same way. Organization is a topic that is intensely personal. Ensure whatever system you have adopted fits into your personal organization style; you will fail and be more frustrated than before you set up a system otherwise.

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