Friday, August 24, 2012

The best medicine is preventive medicine

By Summer Fare

The United States population is not only obsessed with being thin but it has to be done quickly or we must be doing it wrong. "Lose Two Inches In Two Weeks!" "Burn 300 Calories in 15 Minutes!" shout the covers of two popular women's magazines. But just how dangerous is losing weight quickly and can there be such a thing as loosing too much weight?

The body is an amazing machine especially when all the little parts are working together but when a person is trying to lose weight too quickly not all the parts of the body will be able to work together and in fact many of the bodies functions shut down for defense purposes, for example: if the body were suddenly staved to "lose weight", the body suddenly senses hunger and starts storing up more fat for "hibernation" purposes so that the body will not actually be allowed to starve its self until the fat supplies have all but been depleted.

Research can and is a wonderful thing, for example, finding cancers in its early stages is a great example of how MRI scans that came into use about a decade ago have stepped up preventive care among patients and decreased fatalities. Research does however take time and money, and many doctors are slow to change their practices based on new research, but that may or may not be a bad thing, for example, 10 years ago MRI scans were recommended to patients that had acute back pain which in some cases helped determine the cause of pain but today there are more medications on the market for a much lower cost to the patient than an MRI scan. The key to any new research and technology is the patient and doctor working together not only for a solution but at the least amount cost to the patient.

While policy makers decide what is best for medical professionals and cost ratio let's not forget every individual has a choice, and one of the smartest choices you can make right now is to take care of yourself. You are never too old to get started not matter one's age, gender, or medical history , in fact some of the very sick has still been known to get up walk around the hospital keeping the heart up and running. Taking care of oneself more than anything else will keep you younger and more independent, and who doesn't want that.

When our bodies are not use to exercise the change can be exhilarating the first couple of days and then it is a known fact that the body will begin to resist this new change you have brought on. The most important thing is to not get discouraged, if you miss a day, get back out there and try a new form of exercise the next day; It takes about 30 days of repetition to create a habit, the quicker you get on an exercise routine the quicker you will find results, and instead of your body resisting after one or two days, your body will actually prompt you to get moving because you have not only created a habit, but you have created a chemical change within your body that will now crave for some heart pumping movement.

Our bodies are amazing machines that help us walk, run, talk, and love; if we take care of our health our bodies will help us achieve our dreams not only in the present but for many, many years into our future.

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