Saturday, March 16, 2013

Five Methods to Concentrate and Get Back on Task

By Hal Neff

Every day, there are dozens of tasks that are calling your name, both at the office and in your own life. With life being so busy it's simple to lose focus on the main picture.

How many times have you gone to bed thinking what you actually accomplished that day? Or have you ever felt like your day was in some way wasted?

To prevent these thoughts, you can try out several various methods to get yourself back on track. Instead of bemoaning your own wasted time, resolve to regain your focus and get back on task.

Confucius Says...

There's a famous quotation about focus by the remarkable philosopher Confucius: "If you chase two rabbits, you catch none. " True, there might be people who are able to multitask and do it relatively well; but more often than not, individuals who split their own attention between two distinct tasks have a harder time finishing both tasks properly.

Listed below are five methods to restore your focus and get back on task:

1 . Get rid of the interruptions. Remove the barriers that are leading you to avoid having things done - it is that easy! Forget about checking email every 5 minutes; those emails are still going to be there when you complete your work. Make a list of disruptions and eliminate!

* Turn off the phone and let the voice mail take control.

* Close the blinds in your workplace.

* Turn off the background music if you find yourself singing more than working.

* Simply closing the door to your workplace can provide you with more privacy and much more focus.

2 . Prioritize your work. Instead of working on projects simultaneously, take one task at a time, concentrate on it, and worry about all the other projects later. Ultimately, you'll get a lot more done and you'll complete it faster. You will also be identified by the superior quality that you provide when you're free from disruptions.

* Find a way to prioritize that works best for you. Pick either the task that has the earliest due date or the one with the least components so that you can complete it swiftly and get it out of the way. You will find advantages and disadvantages to both systems so tackle it whichever way works for you.

3. Tell everyone to respect your time. There are a lot of nice and respectful approaches to tell people to back off. If you're finding yourself in a time crunch and can't seem to escape from other people, consider letting them know that you will need time to accomplish some critical duties. There are plenty of various ways to do it - just be sure you do!

* Set times that you're going to receive telephone calls and even visitors. Advise them to get in touch with you by email and then set a regular schedule to check your email.

* Set business hours during which people can expect you to return their calls or emails.

4. Set several limitations with your internet access. The internet is great but it can be a huge time waster, especially if you work at a computer the entire day. Restore your focus with some self-made guidelines.

*First, close all those windows you are not using. Stay away from Facebook, MySpace or Twitter, stop browsing on eBay, and leave messenger alone!

* Establish specific times each day to use these fun stuff and just concentrate on what you have to do. You'll easily achieve more!

5. Trust your skills. This may seem like a really small thing when it comes to focusing and getting back on task, but trusting that you can get anything done that you set out to do sets you in a constructive mindset and you'll be less distracted with stress and worry.

* Have confidence that you can complete each job with ease and trust in your capability to produce. If you'll just have the confidence, you're sure to have the focus!

Now that you have already been introduced to 5 approaches to focus and get back on task, it's up to you to take steps and learn how to focus your thoughts. If you've got to get stuff completed, follow these tips so you can put yourself - and your goals - first!

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