Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Tips for the Business Owner: Own Your Own Change

By Vito La Fata

If you own your own business, then you are a mentor to others who know you who want to own their own business too. You may not even realize that others are watching you. Therefore, since you are a leader, it is important for you to take care of yourself in the area of personal improvement and development. For example, how is your health? Are you taking care of your health?

It is crucial that you take a good hard look at your own health. How is your weight? Can you move around with ease? What is your blood pressure? How much energy do you have on a daily basis. Even if you feel like you are doing well, can you imagine what it would be like to have fifty percent more energy than you do right now?

You see, great performances (pursuing your career, caring for your loved ones, weekend sports, dating your spouse, playing with your kids, improving your health, living a life of purpose) are not about expending as much energy as possible continuously for long periods of time. No. Great performances are about the ability to expend energy at very high levels for finite periods of time, offset by periods of rest and renewal.

The only way this can happen is if you change yourself from the inside out. And the only person who can change you is you. Someone else cannot do this for you. Granted, it is hard to do these days, because there are so many things to take our focus away from what is really important. From cell phones to computers to texting to email, there are many things fighting for our attention.

The great challenge of our times is the ability to delay gratification and put aside short term pay off in exchange for the service of long term, focused value. As Gandhi once said "Be the change you want to see in the world." Do not wait for someone else to take the lead.

This is your time to act boldly and take action in your own life. Go a different way. Get on a different road. Your self esteem will increase, your confidence will rise and your productivity will sky rocket!

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