Friday, May 17, 2013

How Heating And Lighting Plays A Role In Emergency Preparedness

By Eric Holm

There are many scenarios in which you may find yourself in need of heating in an emergency situation. From your house's heating going out on cold winter's night to your car breaking down in winter and leaving you stranded for hours, the need to create heat to ward off frostbite and hypothermia is of paramount importance.

One thing everyone should do is purchase a quantity of solar blankets. Store a few blankets in the house and a few in your automobile. This way you will be ready no matter what happens.

There are times when the heating system in your house may break down and you will not be able to get it fixed right away. It is possible to be stranded for several hours or days without any way to heat the home. Depending on how severe the weather is, this can be a dangerous problem. This is especially troubling for households with small children or elderly people who are not capable of dealing with the cold. Stocking up on solar blankets and sleeping bags is one way to be prepared for this situation. These handy items may be used in a number of different ways. When heat is needed, the blanket can be wrapped around the body. These items are capable of trapping body heat. They can also deflect sunlight on a summer day. Placing a solar blanket over the window will keep the interior cooler. This is helpful if the car breaks down on a hot day and you have to wait for help to arrive.

Households that rely on electricity to heat the water can also benefit by having a standard portable water heater nearby. Propane is used to heat up water supplied by a regular garden hose. These units will heat up water that is suitable for cooking or bathing in just a matter of minutes.

There are many other items that can help in the event you lose heat to your home or automobile. Hand warming packs work similar to the ice packs typically found in a first aid kit. Once the material inside the package is activated, it will provide warmth for several hours. Anytime power is lost you will also lose the ability to use electric powered lights. Always have several flashlights and plenty of batteries around. Candles will provide enough light but they are dangerous and can never be left unattended. Battery operated flashlights and candles offer safer options for when the lights go out. It will be worth your time and effort to devise a plan before disaster strikes.

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