Thursday, May 16, 2013

Notes On Fulfilling Your Bucket List

By Antoinette Quinn

There seems to be so many places to go, activities to do, memories to make, but finding time for it all seems a bit impossible. If making the most out of each day sounds like something that is valuable, here are a few steps to making and fulfilling your bucket list and enjoying life to its fullest.

One of the hardest steps is coming up with the rough draft list. Try and be as creative as possible and have nothing seem impossible. This can be anything from skydiving in New Zealand with a best friend to sleeping in the Sahara Desert. But for those that may not be interested in these types of goals, maybe journaling for a full year or reading a book a month is something that sounds more appealing.

After the thoughts and goals are out on paper, go back through them and try to sift through and prioritize. Any of them that you are going to regret if you do not do, keep them on. But the ones that just seem fun but not necessary strike them off. Categorizing them by health, travel, and other areas might make it easier to look at and choose.

Having them written down with pen and paper can be a more effective way than typing typing them on the computer. By having them on a piece of paper, it can stay by the bedside or on a wall where it can serve as a daily reminder and motivation. Also by talking with friends and family, they might be able to share other things to add to the list and help brainstorm how to make these a reality. With all the excitement that will be there while discussing the trips, it will seem more real.

Now it is about taking the steps towards making the goals more realistic. Look at how much it will most likely cost, how much time is available to raise that money, and how to save accordingly. Or look at how much vacation time is available and what is feasible in that time period.

Remember though that it is okay if the activities change over the years. Perhaps when the initial ideas was written, one was single with no children, but now there are kids to take into consideration and the pace of life might be different. Adjust and find new goals that are still inspirational and attainable. In the end, the bucket list is about individual growth. There is no penalty if some do not get crossed of, or if others are deleted from the list.

Those with terminal illnesses also have options. There are various foundations that will offer support and try and help patients fulfill their life long dreams and goals. Take a minute and research what services are available and what the application process involves. Those that need help coming up with ideas should also look online. There are a few websites that have people in the community try and assist others in accomplishing their goals.

Fulfilling your bucket list should not be taken lightly. If these are things that have a lot of value, then take the time to figure out how to get them done. Make and refine the list, write out the steps to get to those goals, and start taking the first step. It may seem a bit intimidating at first, but it is all about growing and challenging oneself to get out of their comfort zone.

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