Friday, May 24, 2013

How To Become Stylish But Ready For Personal Protection

By Tony J Huggens

"Are fashion stun guns available on the market?" Sandy asked me. In my opinion, stun weapons are personal defense gadgets, and whether or not mine matches my very own dress is not as crucial as the fact that it works to save my skin. Nonetheless, if this is going to convince my buddy to acquire herself one, then I am all for informing her there are, in fact, stylish-looking stun devices.

Being non-lethal is a major draw to stun guns for many who flinch at the thought of giving pain on another. I likewise like the fact that they don't result in irreversible harm. Sure, the effects of a 4.5 million volt mobile phone stun device might be fast due to its power, but these are only short-lived.

A workmate uses this specific model as it provides him an advantage over his enemy, that does not know what is going to hit him. That is the beauty of camouflaged stun weapons, and there's a far better possibility of stopping your aggressor even with merely a one- or two-second burst.

Before I bought my own, I connected with another woman user that has experience with stun weapons. Therese is from New York originally. Today, her 1.2 million volt pen stun weapon with flashlight has served her well on a couple of occasions.

The size helps her to hide it, but she understands a high voltage stun device can stop an attacker in his tracks. Therese says her mini stun weapon is like lugging a lightning bolt.

The flashlight helps to sidetrack an assailant so you get a much better aim. The sizzling sound is simply enough notice of exactly what is coming, but typically it is too late for the target to keep away from the shocking sting. I say the more opportunity to keep him away from me, the better.

I believe a pink, little stun gun qualifies as a fashionable device. Its small size makes it simple to hide within the hand. Amy, another good friend, swears by its effectiveness.

I believe Sandy won't have a difficult time looking for some fashion stun weapons to choose from for her own protection.

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