Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Why Can't You Motivate Yourself To Study? Five Tips From Top Students To Turn It All Around

By Lachlan Haynes

If you want to get good grades you need to learn how to motivate yourself to study. Why? Well, study isn't always the most interesting thing going on in your life and as such it can sometimes be very hard to find the motivation needed to study.

In order to find some answers to the question of how best to get motivated to study we've found some answers from students just like you. The following are the top five tips to get yourself moving when you couldn't care less about studying!

Tip One. Get conscious about your thoughts. Did you know that you have thousands of conscious thoughts every day? Over 50,000 to be exact! And how many of those thoughts support you? How many of those thoughts help you feel motivated and inspired? When you think things like "There is no point trying because I will only fail" or "I'm too lazy to start that assignment" it links directly to what actions you take. But in this case your actions will be doing nothing! So start taking notice of what you say to yourself and change it. When a negative thoughts pops in counter it with a positive one. If you think you can't tell yourself you definitely can! It really does make all the difference.

Tip Two. Visualize yourself taking action and having success. We all know that the best athletes in the world visualize themselves achieving great things, so you can do it too! Think about yourself doing all your homework, getting your assignments in on time and acing the next test or exam. Then visualize what it feels like to achieve this. Do this as many times as required to start really believing it will happen!

Tip Three. Break up tasks into tiny bite size chunks. Stop looking at what you need to complete as one big thing. It's not one big thing! It's lots of tiny little things! Start chopping up your tasks into tiny little action steps. Complete a worksheet, attend a class, read a chapter of your text book - they are all little chunks that lead to something much bigger. Take little baby steps each day and by the end of the week you will have achieved a lot. That's the truth. Do 30 minutes study a day and you have done 3 hours study in a week. Do that every week and you have done 150 hours of study. But it all starts with 30 minutes today!

Tip Four. Find some other study sufferers. You will feel really empowered when you spend time with others who are going through the same thing you are (not to mention more accountable). But the best part about finding friends who are having the same experience as you is being able to hear their about their tips and tricks for getting the work done.

Tip Five. Always remember that you're much closer to the end than the start. One of the greatest challenges is to remember that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. It is easy to get bogged down in mountains of work and think "I can't do this!" But the reality is that you have come this far and you are certainly capable of going all the way to the end. You must realize that life is not about study and that your study days will certainly end. Each time you complete a task you are closer to the end than before. Every time the bell rings and a day is done you are closer than before. You are always getting closer. Every minute brings you closer. Believe you will get there - because you will.

Keep in mind that life is not about study. But it's something you need to do and because of that you need to find a way to motivate yourself to study. So follow the five steps and start taking baby action steps each day and before you know your study days will be over. Good luck!

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