Friday, August 9, 2013

Motivation Vs Inspiration: Why Both Are Needed To Achieve Your Goals

By Lachlan Haynes

Most people already know how important it is to take action if you want to achieve something - it's a major key to success. But what rarely gets enough attention is the concept of sustained action, or in particular how important your mindset is when it comes to sustaining action long term.

Despite all of the motivational posters, sport clothing, and tough talk you'll find today that speak of persistence, this is a quality not found in many people. In fact, those few who do practice persistence have earned it through hard work and consistency - another rare attribute. Gaining skills that will push you to the front of the line in any aspect of your life are completely dependent on your ability to learn these traits, and if you want to earn them yourself, you will first and foremost need to learn to control the emotional highs and lows to which we are all susceptible. Of course, many of us are cursed with more lows than we are highs. However, our mental disposition is what will truly determine where we end up on our journey toward success.

We all know what it's like to feel a burst of motivation and then take that energy and translate it into work. But the problem that arises is we don't always feel motivated. Motivation ebbs and flows, often decreasing when we don't feel happy, or when we face setbacks. Our physiological state also impacts our motivation, as do our results.

Whether or not we are going through a rough patch, if our bodies are in good shape (plenty of sleep, physical activity, good nutrition, healthy relationships, etc.), we tend to feel pretty resilient overall. And, when we enjoy a good return on our investments - whether we are invested in school and are earning good grades, getting praise from our bosses, or whatever the case may be, our energy toward these activities remain consistent overall.

However, when the opposite happens, you are aren't eating right so you are hungry, you aren't sleeping well so you are tired, you aren't staying active so you feel run down and unhealthy, and you are not staying in touch with your friends or family, you will begin to feel the down part of the upswing. With all of these emotions and physical issues going on it will be likely you won't be able to focus on your studies and you may start to get poor grades or negative feedback from your teachers. This will only further push you down in your already unhappy state and you may begin feeling depressed and like you want to give up.

This is the point where you must focus on turning short term action into sustainable long term action. In order to achieve big, you need to think big. This applies in not just your schooling but your future career and the rest of your life. You must envision your future. Where do you want to be and how will you get there? When you know where you want to go, you can start to plan the way to get there. This is an important step that should never be ignored. You must map out the success in your life. Once you have that road map in your hands, you may be wondering, but how do I get there? The answer of course is one step at a time. It may seem minuscule or daunting but it works! Those continued short term actions, or steps, will move you closer and closer to your dreams. Celebrate each step you take in the right direction and before you know it, all of those little steps have turned into big leaps - and you have achieved your goal with long term sustained action.

Enter inspiration, your spiritual guide. While motivation can come in bursts, be harnessed, and become sustained, inspiration comes from some place deeper inside of you. It is something greater and more powerful than you; and it lives inside of each one of us. You can find your inspiration with your desire for change. While motivation is a very powerful tool, it is often tied to a time frame or certain circumstances. It is more of a physical presence rather than an internal entity.

It's the difference between going to school each day because you want to get your high school diploma, versus an unwavering desire to get into the College course of your dreams because you want to learn how to start and run a business that will change the world. These are both ambitions - but they are on very different levels. It's pretty easy to see which desire would last longer. Being inspired carries you through the ups and downs. It gives you the power to stay the course even when it's ridiculously hard.

It's time for you see things for yourself you may never have considered before. Things like getting into College, never needing a job, even becoming a millionaire, or the possibility of creating something that has a massive positive impact on thousands - even millions of people. These things are all possible for you. But they require a motivation and an inspiration to be achieved. They require sustained action at a pace of one step per day. We all have unlimited potential regardless of our circumstances. What you believe is possible for you is all that truly matters. So, the only question that remains is what do you believe is possible?

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