Sunday, December 15, 2013

6 Reasons Why You Should Enroll In A Dance Class Now

By Julie Da Gunn

Dance classes are not just fun, but also provide you with a complete body workout. Allow me to share six interesting reasons why I am enthusiastic to attend another dance class.

1) Wonderful Workout

At present, most people work on computers and hardly go out for a workout. This could make your neck and shoulders very tense. Even other major muscle groups may be severely impacted. Your gym habit will mostly involve a basic workout to develop strength and stamina. Dancing can be a unique workout. Different dance moves utilize different groups of muscles in your body. After each class, you'll be completely sore, sweaty and energized.

2) Express Yourself

Dancing can be one of the most fun ways to express yourself. For many people, the ability to express themselves is important. If you're one of those people, you should always look for creative outlets. Many people enjoy writing, painting, drawing and singing to express themselves. However, if you try dancing, it will probably be an exciting experience for your entire body.

3) Relieve You Stress

Dancing is one of the best stress relievers. There's no doubt that physical activity is one of the most effective stress busters. Furthermore, when you combine basic physical activity with emotional expression and music, you'll get the best way to ease stress. Each time you move and dance to the beat, you will be able to feel tension and stress flowing out of your body.

4) Connect with Yourself

Dance is a fantastic way to connect with your body. Without years of training, you will be able to learn what your body can accomplish, its degree of mobility and so forth. You'll be totally aware of your movements. You'll never again feel disconnected with your body. You'll feel more centered and balanced in your life.

5) You have the chance to wear attractive dance clothing

This may appear very insignificant. However, if you ever get the opportunity to pretend to be Jennifer Beals, why not go for it and have some fun.

6) It is scary

For someone who has never tried dancing, the idea of enrolling for dance training might appear scary. However, the fact that something is scary should prove enough motivation for you to get straight into it. With dancing, you may think that you do not have the courage to watch yourself in the mirror and try to muster some moves. But the positive thing is that it is indeed possible.

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