Friday, December 20, 2013

Horseback Riding Long Island Trails Is Fantastic Experience

By Cornelia White

Tourists and permanent residents alike love the horseback riding long island has to offer. Trails meander past fields and forested land. Take your mount from a walk to a trot, then on to a canter if you have the experience to do so.

A novice or experienced horseman can benefit from lessons the stable offers. Western and English are different styles. The tack is different with a western saddle being larger and the bridle having two reins. An English saddle is flat and the bridle has four reins.

English riding requires you to hold reins in both hands. In Western, they are held in the left hand. Mount a horse from the left side only.

If the stable has an indoor arena lessons are given year round. Children love attending summer camp. They learn how to care for their horse by brushing, saddling and putting the bridle on each day. In addition to lessons they go out on trail rides.

Helmets are mandatory and skills are acquired in a fenced arena before they take to the trails. Everyone loves the horses and all the activities associated with caring for them. They learn to control the animal. Each must have permission before galloping the horse.

Couples can rent horses for a romantic ride along the beach. It is exhilarating to canter along next to the waves, enjoying the scent of salt water. Enjoy nature and the setting sun and rising moon.

When it grows dark, people can still pursue their equestrian fun. A large stable is likely to have an indoor arena with lights. Ride the circle or oval on a soft floor of sand and fiber. This provides a good surface suited to the horses.

Some academies have seating for families who want to watch the lessons. Children enjoy showing off their improved abilities. Some provide bleachers for spectators to watch at the outdoor ring.

A Western store may offer saddles, bridles and grooming products for sale. This is a convenience for those who board a horse there, or lease one for the summer. This creates a pleasant setting for riders and spectators alike.

Bethpage State Park has many paths through some of the prettiest scenery in the area, especially in autumn. Trails wind past a golf course that is host to a prominent golf tournament. Equestrians venture out into the 1,476 acre park. Hawks soar overhead as butterflies display their colors.

A day on horseback gives an individual a sense of what it must have been like in the old west. Cowboys herded their cattle out on the plains. Being on horseback was not a recreational activity for them. It was their job.

There are elite breeds, the Lippizaner for one example, that perform dressage in the Olympics and horse show competitions. It is like watching an equine ballet and thrills audiences around the world. There are many facets to the wonderful world inhabited by horses. Horseback riding long island brings you into that world.

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