Thursday, April 23, 2009

Boxing Training Programs for Unbeatable Health and Fitness

By Benedict Hunter

Training to box is a high-intensity workout regimen that will make you healthier and much more physically fit. It is one of the most powerful programs out there today to help you achieve the strong, attractive body you desire, become more agile, and boost self-esteem. It is a total body workout that cannot be beaten.

A lot of people have noticed beneficial results from boxing programs. Well for a start, a good boxing program can help you build powerful and well-defined arms and legs. These training programs will also help develop your inner strength, discipline and emotional balance.

Develop a knockout body

Boxing training first became popular as a form of workout routine a few years ago when health and fitness experts realized how beneficial they were to the heart and musculature of those who enrolled in them. Videos leading Tae Bo and Cardio-Box workouts began a tidal wave of workout programs geared toward boxing and martial arts.

New aerobics classes have mastered a blend of intense cardio and boxing moves like power jabs and hooks. As you become more adept, you can master any number of combination moves. This type of routine gives you an excellent overall workout and gets you in shape quickly.

Boxing and martial arts moves are performed on an imaginary adversary instead of a real person. You are probably familiar with shadow boxing, something you often see on exercise videos. Many training facilities and gyms have good heavy bags and speed bags that you can use to give you punches a real target. If you don't mind wearing safety gear, you can also compete with a partner.

Beat the calories

Kickboxing and other similar training exercises aren't just great for improving the way your body looks; these programs burn an enormous amount of calories in a relatively short amount of time-up to 600 per hour. They manage to keep your heart rate up at around 185% of its regular rhythm, which is the proper rate for getting cardiovascular benefits.

The long-term effects of boxing training

Boxing classes improve your endurance, speed and stamina. Agility and flexibility of muscles and joints are also developed. The repetitive motion of the arms and legs during training and sparring sessions develops speed and power behind these limbs.

Martial-arts type exercise programs are also great for the lower body, mainly the legs. They teach better balance and show you how to position your body for the most stability.

Moreover, knowledge gained from boxing and kickboxing classes will enhance your defensive skills and may come in handy in dire situations that require drastic measures. You will feel calm yet confident in knowing that you can defend yourself and your loved ones should the need arise.

A Change in Attitude

Martial arts aren't just about physical fitness. They also focus heavily on disciplining your mind and developing your inner self. In doing this, you will learn to deal constructively with stress and worry.

A growing number of personal trainers are promoting martial arts lessons to their clients. One reason for this is that the workouts are extremely flexible. They provide a way to get fit for people at all levels of fitness. Boxing also allows the fittest and most competitive individuals to push their limits.

Like all fitness programs, boxing training requires discipline and perseverance. Stick to this program for a long time and you will reap the rewards of a strong and healthy body.

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