Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Fat Blasting At Its Best - The Firm Wave

By Carol J Bartram

A new piece of equipment to the exercise market is the Firm Wave which can be used both in the gym and in the comfort of your own home. The design of the Firm Wave is uncomplicated but clever; it is a small unit that can be carried easily and put away practically anywhere. One side of the Wave is stable and the other isn't.

The Firm Wave has gaps in each side where elastic exercise bands can be fixed, giving a fully portable platform for all kinds of exercises, from cardiovascular exercise to train the heart and lungs and burn calories to strength training for toning all the major muscle groups in the body. Furthermore, the Firm Wave can be used for all types of balancing exercises both at floor level and standing - even seated - to work the core muscles and strengthen and lengthen the large muscles of the legs, arms and chest.

The Firm Wave means you no longer have to use half a dozen different machines to get the exercise results you want. No more need for a treadmill for cardio exercise, fixed weight machines to strengthen and tone your muscles and then a stability ball or an ab cradle for core work and stretching. The Wave can do it all, no matter what your age or exercise experience.

The anchored side of the Firm Wave has a curve; step up onto this and you stand on the crest of the Wave. Doing simple step-up and step-down exercises strengthens the major thigh and butt muscles, works the calves, and stabilises all the little muscles of the ankles and feet. Stepping also burns a surprising number of calories and is more energetic than you think - try going to a Step class and you'll see what I mean. As well as simple step up and down, there are also step touches, step lunges, step kicks and knee lifts, and also crossing over the Wave from side to side, which brings the inner and outer thigh muscles into play as well.

And that's just the stable side of the Firm Wave; turn your Wave over and it rocks, giving a whole new meaning to Riding the Wave! To balance while this side rocks you will use lots of muscles deep within your body that you never knew you had. This makes your workout challenging, fun, burns lots more calories and is very good for improving your balance in the everyday world. Whether you are young or old you will notice the difference that the Firm Wave can make for you!

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