Sunday, April 12, 2009

Good To Cure Stomach Acid Problems Naturally

By William Lagadyn

Stomach acid is very essential to the human body. The food that is consumed is acted upon in the stomach by an acid called gastric acid. It is broken down and digested to be absorbed by the body. At times, this gastric acid may cause problems leading to digestive disorders. If the level of gastric acid is more, it will result in gastric ulcers or heartburn. People begin to experience some discomfort in the chest region which may subside after taking antacids. It is a burning sensation that occurs periodically.

Proton Pump Inhibitors are designed to cut off the acid production in your stomach which reduces stomach pressure, and therefore you experience less reflux and the resulting heartburn. The problem with this course of treatment is the drug actually stops your body from absorbing calcium from the foods you consume, in order for your body to function properly.

Therefore, the amount of calcium in the body is reduced. When the body requires calcium, it will draw from teeth and bones. This results in osteoporosis which is a disease condition. The bone mineral density is reduced making the bones brittle and prone to fractures.

Added to this, the medicines also disrupt digestion. As there is undigested food remaining in the stomach, the pressure increases there. This leads to other medical problems like increased acidity level, etc.

Certain foods are known to cause gastric problems. They are spicy foodstuffs, alcohol, soft drinks, beverages, etc. People should avoid junk food and increase the intake of fruits and vegetables which are rich in proteins and vitamins and help to maintain good health. They build strength and increase resistance to diseases.

One of the tests for determining acidity is by using the litmus paper. This can be done at home. Litmus paper is available at all health food stores.

The final test result should be around a value of 7.3 to 7.4 which is slightly alkaline. The suitable timings of tests are in the mornings and evenings.

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