Monday, June 22, 2009

Hidden Cameras - Observe Without Detection

By Mike Ward

Hidden cameras are used to record video footage secretly without the subject unaware of the observation. They are mostly used as part of surveillance and security systems in order to monitor the activity in office spaces, warehouses, elevators and wherever security is an issue. Around the clock surveillance and security monitoring is top priority in these times of increased terrorist threats and rising crime rate.

They provide around the clock monitoring and surveillance in these times of heightened security risk posed by terrorists and high crime incidence. They are also a vital security measure for certain business establishments such as banks and casinos. Hidden cameras are also used for evidence collection by investing agencies and private investigators or in intelligence and spy work.

These days one can find hidden cameras everywhere from airports to elevators. They are a great way to keep track of human activity unobserved. Hidden cameras are known by that precisely because they are hidden and discreet. They are usually installed in such spaces that are least subject to scrutiny and can also be disguised or concealed within other objects.

There are many varied uses for hidden cameras, with the primary use being in the security and surveillance field. The two main types of hidden camera systems are the wireless hidden cameras and Closed Circuit hidden camera system.

The close circuit system uses cables and wires to transmit the captured images to one or many receivers while the wireless system does not require any wires and cables and can transmit to a receiver which is placed at a distance of a few hundred feet. The closed circuit systems are more secure in that they cannot be as easily hacked into as the wireless systems.

The earliest use of hidden cameras were for counter intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance during world war one when tiny sized cameras were attached to pigeons which were sent into enemy territory and brought back images that were captured in the camera. These were then put to good use by the intelligence services. In time, these cameras have gained much popularity and are being put to numerous uses today.

Since that time these cameras have gained immense popularity both with government agencies and intelligence services which use them for counter intelligence operations. They are also used for evidence gathering and investigative purposes by some government and private agencies. Home owners and individuals use them as a security measure for homes to prevent theft and natural hazards.

Supermarkets are another place to find these cameras; they are installed to prevent people from taking stuff from the store. Hidden and spy cameras of different sizes with varying degree of clarity of recording and multiple functionalities can be bought online from websites that list them for sale. Some specialty electronics stores also carry hidden and spy cameras.

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