Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Martial Arts Corrupted!

By Al Case

It is an unfortunate fact that the martial arts are taught in the most inefficient manner possible. While the martial arts, done properly are a blessing and the most incredibly efficient method of combat on the planet, the method for their transmission is woefully inadequate. This incredibly slow method is called monkey see monkey do.

It is no secret that your noggin houses a computer. The result is corruption, however, when one feeds random data into the computer. The result is slowed reaction times as you sort through the data--things you learn contradict other things you learn, and you experience inefficiency and actually extract incorrect data from the computer. Imagine thinking that a low block would protect your face!

One form of corruption is vested interest, simply, somebody stands to gain, and therefore messes up the data of the martial arts. For instance, there is a pro MMA fighter who, during the Ultimate Fighter TV show, gave the ludicrous advice of hitting somebody in the foot. The reason he gave this advice was because, and this he admitted later on the show, was because he might have to face one of these fighters some day, so he wasn't going to tell them squat.

Corruption rears its ugly head in the matter of tournaments, the desire to win a trophy encourages one to follow rule that will inhibit ones ability to survive on the street. A fellow doesn't bother learning to protect himself properly because the other fighter, according to the rules, isn't supposed to be able to kick him there. When he is on the street however, that is the first place a lot of thugs will attack.

Tthe government telling you how to fight is one of the worst of the lot of corrupters. Korea tossed away the rather phenomenal Karate for this thing called Tae Kown Do, and China hired a bunch of physical education coaches to recreate kung fu, after they imprisoned and killed off its kung fu masters. At the heart of the martial arts in the United States are things like the AAU, Olympic committees, and so on, and what martial art do you think Obama is going to proscribe for you?

Medicine is a great corrupter, because medicine skews all the data into much highly unworkable data. Touch this pressure point here and you will do great damage, but the student needs the ability to actually punch and survive in combat before he can go looking for fine, little embroidery points. And every school preaches their own strikes as being able to stop the heart, damage the kidney, and so on, but they woefully neglect training a student to be able to absorb the actual impact of striking a human body.

Commercialism has to be at the top when it comes to factors of corruption. Janie's mother brings her to a karate school to learn to protect herself, and then goes insane if little Janie gets a cut lip or black eye. And what if the little Janie, by some odd chance of mistake, was actually taught break the arm of the school bully, the lawsuits would be unimaginable!

It is an inescapable fact that the martial arts have been corrupted. Fortunately, there is a quick and easy solution to this mess, and it is the only solution for the martial arts on planet earth. Unfortunately, you'll just be a monkey, prone to the corruptions of art, and never really breaking into the true blessings of the True Art, if you don't find this solution.

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