Saturday, July 11, 2009

Tucson Security Systems Let You Sleep Well At Night

By Todd Cavanaugh

Whether you live in a house, a condominium or an apartment, there are certain consistent major components of Tucson security systems. You can expect any discussion with a security consultant to include things that should be done with regard to each of these components.

When you start looking at Tucson security systems you will also have certain things in mind. There are some factors everyone should consider when investing in a security system:

Price. As you shop around, you will get a general sense of the pricing of Tucson security systems. Your needs will determine price, but your budget will determine what you can spend.

Set Priorities. What are your top priorities? What are your most serious security concerns? What is the most important type of protection, security, privacy and safety for you?

Long-term costs. Be certain that you plan for such on-going costs as monitoring fees, equipment maintenance, fees for accidental alarms (this can be important with children).

Do you need to make special considerations for someone in your family? Do you have young children? Does someone have a disability? Are there elderly people in the household? Is your home empty for long periods?

You need to know the crime rate in the neighborhood. Don't underestimate your needs. On the other hand, don't build a fortress if you don't need it.

Once you have carefully considered all of these influences, you will be in a good position to start talking with experts on Tucson security systems. You should also think about the main categories of protection offered by security systems.

The first category of security equipment and protection in Tucson security systems provides protection at points of entry into your home -- the doors and windows.

Your security system will probably begin with a security door (probably made of steel) and good locks on all windows. Oversize doors, French doors, and patio doors might be equipped with multi-point locks. If you live in a condo or apartment, your doors might be equipped with multi-point locks. This type of lock is especially appropriate on the very wide and tall doors often installed in loft apartments or condos. Instead of just a locking doorknob and a deadbolt, a multi-point lock will also include a metal bolt or bar running the height of the door that fastens into the door frame at two additional points.

You might have something similar or a security bar on a patio door. If you live in a high-crime area, bars on windows and doors might also be recommended. To protect against intrusion through windows, your security consultant might recommend adding a film to your windows to make it more difficult to break or shatter the glass. A glass-break alarm might also be recommended. Other alarms might be placed to warn of a window being opened.

The second main part of most Tucson security systems is lighting, indoors and outdoors.

The purpose of outdoor lights is to eliminate areas of darkness where an intruder could hide. This is especially important near windows and doors. These might be put on a traditional timer. You could also attach motion detectors or even heat-detecting sensors around your home that would turn lights on at appropriate times. This saves energy, but might not have the desired result if you live in an area where animals wander around at night. Inside your home, lights can be important for safety when people get up at night.

Another component of many Tucson security systems for residences is fencing and gates.

There are many kinds of fencing ranging from decorative fences to privacy fences to perimeter fences to high-security fences. You will be able to choose the level of privacy and security you want to achieve and install the appropriate fence. Gates can be manually operated, locked with a key, or electronically operated. Your fence can simply establish a perimeter to keep strangers out and children and pets in or it can be an electrified fence meant to be a clear deterrent to entry.

The final component of most Tucson security systems is use of various kinds of motion sensing devices.

Sensors that use microwave technology generally detect movement. Infrared heat sensors generally detect the presence of intruders. Used inside the home, these sensors can be attached to alarms to warn you of uninvited "guests" or to turn lights on and off for safety.

Tucson security systems equipment is basically like equipment used in other parts of the USA. All of these systems are designed to keep people off your property and out of your home. In addition, some components can be used to ensure the safety of your family when they move around your residence at night. In combination, you can create the security system that will allow you to sleep well at night, assured of your family's safety.

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