Friday, July 10, 2009

What Are The Heart Benefits Of Fish Oil Supplements?

By Peter Bertonich

I've talked before about many of the health benefits of fish oil supplements. Theres a range of health benifits of fish oil, amongst them to your heart. Lets have a look at Omega 3 and cholesterol today.

The Jan/Feb issue of Sports Health, A Multidisciplinary Approach, has published the results of a new study.

This particular study studied the heart benefits of fish oil supplements and it looked at the benefits to the heart of fish oil supplements high in DHA and EPA, the two major Omega 3 fats.

There were 36 pro football players who took part and they took either omega 3 fish oil supplements or else a placebo. The fish oil capsules they took contained 2560 mg of omega-3 fatty acids (650 mg EPA and 450 mg DHA in each capsule.)

The study, or it's results, backed up the conclusions of so many other studies that supported the health benefits of Omega 3 fish oil supplementation that increased the levels of essential fatty acids in the diet.

The football players had an improvement in their HDL levels (their good cholesterol) and a reduction in their LDL levels (their bad cholesterol).

And triglycerides went down too, an excellent result.

And this isn't the first time a study has found that there are significant heart benefits to taking fish oil supplements. There are now many studies backing up the health benefits of fish oil supplementation.

And the AHA (American Heart Association) now recommends at least 2 gram a day intake of EPA and DHA, the 2 most important Omega 3 fats, more for those with high triglycerides.

So now that you know how important taking sufficient Omega 3 fats in your diet is, how do you increase your intake? By using the very best Omega 3 fish oil supplements.

But don't make the mistake of assuming that all fish oil supplements are the same. They aren't. Some contain much higher levels of DHA than others, and some also can contain contaminants like heavy metals, mercury and PCBs. The very best fish oil capsules contain no contaminants and also have a much higher level of DHA than others.

So if youre at risk of heart health problems, and who isnt, there are now significant fish oil supplements studies backing up the benefits daily fatty acid supplements. Make sure you get enough fish oils in your diet, every day.

I'll let you know where to source the best fish oil capsules on my website.

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