Monday, August 3, 2009

Achieving The Pilates Body - 3 Critical Steps

By Dris Crayton

All achievements worth gaining will take some work and commitment. Getting the well toned Pilates body that you have been dreaming about is no exception. Following three very important steps will help you make that body a reality, rather than just another dream.

Before we get to the tips, lets talk about your options for getting started with this form of exercise. The easiest and cheapest way to start is to buy a DVD and learn from your own home. If you are new to exercise and are self-conscious about attempting the moves in front of others this is your best option.

DVDs will include versions of the exercises that can be done without equipment, but you can now also purchase real Pilates equipment that is compact enough to fit into your home. If you can afford to go this route it is the best way to get maximum results from home.

If you live close to a Pilates studio then signing up for classes will definitely bring the results you want. This way allows you to gain the knowledge from skilled instructors who will ensure that you are meeting all three of the steps presented here.

If you don't have a studio nearby, look into classes at a local gym.

Whichever way you go, pay attention to these three critical steps as you start learning the moves.

Form: The sleek, well toned, elongated look that this form of exercise is famous for creating is only achievable if you are doing the moves correctly. Form is what ensures you are working the correct muscles and joints in the correct manner in order to achieve the results you really want.

If you are learning through a DVD then it is a good idea to watch it through at least once before you start. This will prevent you from straining to see the screen to check your form. If you are taking a class, then your instructor should keep an eye out to ensure you get proper form on each move.

Second, you have to be seriously committed to your workout sessions. This is not something that you can do every now and again or commit to half-heartedly and achieve real results. If you can do the moves at least 3-4 times a week then you will get the best results.

Finally, you must continually progress to more difficult moves and/or longer sessions to get great results. When you do the same moves over and over your body becomes less challenged and must work less to perform them. You will start to see less results when this happens.

To prevent this from happening, change things up from time to time. If you are taking a class, try to attend a few sessions by a different instructor or look for more advanced sessions. If you are working with a DVD, then you should start attempting the harder move variations as soon as possible. You should also try to find new DVDs to get a variety.

It is entirely possible for anyone who gives it serious effort to achieve the Pilates body they are dreaming about. If you really want to commit to making it happen as fast as possible, watch what you are eating and combine these workouts with as much cardio exercise as you can make time for.

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