Friday, August 7, 2009

How to Make the Four Decisions of a Fight!

By Al Case

You have to make the decision to win a fight if you are going to be victorious in that fight. If you don't make that decision there is simply no way you are going to win. Thus, you have to practice making the decision, and then implementing a plan so that the decision becomes reality.

There are five decisions you must make to back up the decision to win a fight. This combat strategy is found in every fight. This is the strategy you must understand and master if you are going to be able to deliver the original decision.

The first decision, and the most important, is that there is going to be a fight. Interestingly, you don't have to get in a fight if you refuse to make the decision to be in a fight. Even if the other person has made a decision, unless you agree with his decision, you don't have to fight.

The second decision involves distance. Simply, you must understand that a fight is going to collapse in distance. And, you must understand that if you can control this distance, and even change collapsation into expansion at will, if you are going to win a fight.

The third decision has to do with which side the fight is going to take place on. One out of eight people being left handed, that means the fight will commence with the right hand, and the bodies will turn in a certain manner, and the fight will be on that side. If you can control which side the fight will be on, then you can control that decision, and, then you can win that fight.

The fourth decision is going to be whether you are on the inside or the outside. What this means is that if he punches with a right hand, you must block/push/whatever so that his right hand misses you on the outside, and you see the inside of his wrist. And, if he punches with the right, you must block/push/whatever so that his right hand misses you on the inside, and you see the outside of his wrist.

There can be millions of decisions in a fight, literally. Do you wish the fight to be conducted with specific weapons, such as foot, or fist, or elbow, or whatever. Or, do you wish to control the decisions so that the fight expands or collapses as you wish, from foot to elbow to knee to throw to fist to foot to whatever, your choice, and so on.

The point, however, is that if you can control the first four decisions, then you can control all the other decisions. If you can understand and create your art so as to be able to control these decisions, then you can win any fight. Of course, the first decision, as I said in the beginning, that you are going to win that fight, is the most important.

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