Thursday, August 6, 2009

Take A Look Inside You Spy Pen Camera

By Jonathon Little

Within the spy pen market multiple variations exist with different specializations and ideas behind them. Today we want to focus on the most popular variant of the spy pen the spy pen camcorder. By breaking it down we will access all the components inside and see what they are really offering for our buck.

You spy pen will generally break down into two sections, an upper and lower. The lower part really doesn't contain anything of interest to us. It is nothing more than an ordinary pen. A little small than usually perhaps but then we cant hold that against it.

The upper segment of the pen however is where our interest lies and the part that contains the bits and pieces you may not of heard off. Please do not try and access this section of your pen. They are sealed up for a reason and by doing so you will only break it.

Cracking open the case you will notice three main components and a bunch of wires. Taking up most of the space we found to be our battery. I need not insult you by telling you what a power supply does. But I will make the note that on average the battery within a spy pen will only last about 3 hours a pop without being recharged or replaced.

The next bulky object you will see in here is the DVR (Digital Video Recorder) and memory chip. Sometimes these will come as two separate chips but will always be connected via a bunch of wires. This takes all seen footage and places it in a file normally in the avi format. This can be viewed on a whole range of devices.

The only component we were left with after this is the tiny little lens. We have to admit this was bigger than we first thought it would be. The actual part that is visible is tiny but behind that part where you cant see has a small bit of mass.

This type of lens is a pinhole style lens. They are specifically designed to work in low light settings. A LUX rating is sometimes supplied that tells you how dark a room can be for you to successfully record an image.

And that ladies and gents is your spy pen broken down. I would like to say there's more in there and they are more complex but that is basically it. There just isn't any room left to squeeze anything else in. So if your tempted to take your spy pen apart. Don't, we've done it for you so you don't have to damage yours.

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