Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Devising Personal Security Techniques

By Kodie Eason

Taking care of yourself under difficult circumstances is something everyone should know how to do. While there's no need to dwell on potential disaster, life is uncertain and it is a good idea to be prepared. Devising a plan of action in the event that you are ever robbed, mugged or abducted is a smart thing to do.

There are several steps you can take in order to ensure your own personal safety. Carrying a personal alarm, purchasing pepper spray or a stun gun or even enrolling in a self-defense course can all help to keep you from being victimized.

Confidence is one of the most important elements when it comes to protecting yourself. Criminals specifically target individuals who look weak or unaware of their surroundings. These types of people would be easier to overcome and subdue. If you come across as confident, your chances of being victimized are greatly reduced.

So how does one appear to be strong and confident? As mentioned earlier, educate yourself and be prepared for the worst circumstance. If you are well prepared, you will no longer fear walking into a dark parking lot. You can enter feeling alert, confident and prepared.

How do you come up with a good plan of action when it comes to your personal security? The internet is a great tool when it comes to searching for information on self-defense, and tips to keep you from getting mugged and avoid being kidnapped. Do a basic search on personal security information and see how many sites come up.

Here are some suggestions to help you get started:

- Carry a personal alarm with you. Personal alarms are very effective at communicating distress in the event that your mouth is covered, your voice gives out or you are unable to scream. They are also quite small which makes it convenient to carry them on your keychain or in your purse.

- Carry pepper spray or a stun gun in your purse. Make sure to check with authorities that these items are legal to carry in your area.

- Sign up for a self-defense course. You will be instructed in what types of situations to avoid, what to do when a situation arises, and self-defense moves to protect yourself.

You can never be too prepared. This is especially true when it comes to your personal safety. Don't wait another day to take steps to prepare yourself for any potential criminal who may cross your path. You will gain confidence in knowing that you are prepared. That confidence may be the very thing that keeps you safe by deterring any would-be attackers.

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