Sunday, November 22, 2009

Disguised Stun Guns - What A Shock!

By Jim Wilkinson

We all know what a stun gun looks like, right? A big black block of plastic with two metal electrodes protruding from the end of it. Sure, we have all seen those and that is what we picture when we think of a stun gun. Nobody would mistake it for something other then what it is.

Most people would not be able to tell that the tube of lipstick you are holding is actually an effective stun gun. The new models do not even come close to resembling the old type of stun gun. They will be very surprised when you remove the top cap from the tube and there is a stun gun. The advantage of surprise is the best selling feature of the newer model disguised stun guns. No one looks at the tube of lipstick and thinks "stun gun".

See that cell phone the gentleman is carrying on a belt clip? You guessed it, stun gun. An everyday ordinary looking cell phone that is capable of delivering 900,000 volts into an attacker. The cell phone stun gun is not functional as a real cell phone but more then likely it will be an attacker trying to call for help after you have zapped them with your "cell phone".

Disguised stun guns are available that have been built into flashlights, cell phones and lipstick tubes. Only the manufacturer's creativeness will limit what ordinary items will be used next to house this effective non-lethal self defense weapon. What will they think of next!

When the stun gun manufacturers decides that they would produce stun guns designed to look like something else they gave us a tremendous advantage in escaping an attack. That advantage is the one of "surprise". When you have "surprise" on your side your chances of escaping unharmed are increased dramatically.

If the attacker doesn't see it coming, your use of a disguised stun gun, he cannot defend for it by moving away from you or trying to knock it out of your hand. If he sees you have a tube of lipstick in your hand the only think he thinks he has to worry about is "Oh my gosh. She is going to write on me with lipstick!" He probably will not be very frightened. That is until he gets the shock of his life!

As you are looking at effective self defense weapons give a lot of thought to the advantages of buying one that is disguised. You can even yell, "Surprise!" when you use it on your attacker!

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