Wednesday, May 4, 2011

How to Save Money Each and Every Day

By Prince Nilard S. Powell

Knowing how to save money is very important in these challenging economic times. Between your bills, regular expenses and daily temptations for spending money, it's no wonder you don't have anything left at the end of the week or month. You need to pay attention to everything you spend, no matter how small the amount. In this article, we are going to talk about a few simple money saving tips that you can use to make your financial situation better.

If you eat lunch out most of the time, you can save a surprising amount of money by making your own and bringing it to work. Even the ingredients for sandwiches every day or making a little bit extra at dinner to be taken in at lunch will cost less than you would spend buying lunch at a restaurant or even a super cheap drive through every day. This also gives you the opportunity to eat a lot more healthfully since most fast food is extremely high in calories and unhealthy ingredients. If your schedule is tight, eating out will make that problem worse. In addition to being easy, the money that you save by making your own lunch will add up to be quite a lot by the end of the year.

If 10% or even just 5% of what you make goes into a separate account before you really even see it, you will stop thinking of this as money that is available for spending. After a couple of weeks, you'll stop even missing this money as you'll readjust to not having it. This will naturally cut back on your spending and help you save money.

You can save lots of money by cutting back on the amount of electricity you use. You can do this in lots of ways including darkening the rooms you leave and using energy efficient bulbs. Traditional bulbs use a lot more power than the CFL and LED light bulbs that are growing in popularity. If you use a light switch with a dimmer, you also won't be making the room any brighter than it needs to be. Surge protectors for electronic devices are helpful because they allow you to turn off everything with just one click when you know you won't be using the devices for a while. Paying close attention to your power usage will really help you save money on your bill each month.

Food prices are always rising, faster than most people's wages. So saving money at the store is essential if you're going to stick to a budget.

You can see that there are lots of ways to save money. Individually these tips might not seem like much but when you use them in concert with others you can save lots of money. You can use all of the tips in this article to help save at least a little bit of money every day. After just a few months of this, you will see what a difference even tiny changes can make for you.

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