Saturday, August 13, 2011

What Makes Electronic Cigarettes Better Than Nicotine Patches And Gum

By Nick Rugette

The path of quitting smoking requires solid judgment, and a clear set of goals, which will carry an individual through the hardships of quitting cigarette smoking. The withdrawal period and mental stress, and accordingly a person must be both mentally and physically prepared to brave the side effects head on.

Most commonly, the use of smoking cessation devices such as nicotine patches and electronic cigarettes improve the stress of the quitting process. These devices are designed to slowly wean the cigarette smoker off of the addictive substance nicotine by supplying a controlled release. They are a means of relieving the start of quitting cigarettes because the body is allowed to become used to smaller and smaller doses of nicotine until, ultimately the individual functions without the presence of nicotine in their system.

Focusing on one product specifically, the electronic cigarette mimics the act,
the taste, and the sensation of cigarette smoking, making this product an extremely
effective quitting aid. The electronic cigarette functions by vaporizing a liquid that is infused with nicotine and delivers the nicotine to the person through vapor.

This meaning that the inhaled substance is not the by-product of combustion, as it is with traditional cigarettes, and the well-being risks are reduced greatly with electronic cigarettes. In this light, e-cigs are a healthier secondary to filtered cigarettes, and support an experience that is close enough to the real thing in order to accomplish the process of quitting easier.

As well as being a better alternative, e-cigs are a close pair to the experience of smoking. When compared to other smoking cessation products, such as nicotine patches and gum, the e-cig creates an surrounding that mimics the actual act of smoking. It fulfills the oral fixation related with smoking, as well as providing a taste that is like, which makes it easier to stay committed to an electronic cigar and quitting.

The electronic cigarette offers various nicotine cartridges, which contain varying levels of the chemical nicotine. To begin the activity of quitting with the assistance of an e-cig it is optimal to start with a nicotine cartridge that best matches the current level of nicotine intake through cigarettes. From here you can progressively move to smaller doses of nicotine until you do not comprehend a brawny need for nicotine anymore.

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