Monday, February 27, 2012

What is Vitamin B12?

By Rose Thomas

A great question many people have is how you can get enough vitamins into their diet. Many vitamins occur naturally in food, and vitamin B12 is one of them. However, B12 is mainly found only in animal products, if you really don't eat a lot of or any of those, you need to supplement with fortified cereals or daily vitamins or maybe even injections. Adults and children can have problems with various health problems should they have a deficiency of vitamin B12, so it is important to understand the daily amounts needed as well as ways to get vitamin B12 in your system if it's low.

Animal products all have vitamin B12. If you are a vegetarian or maybe a vegan, you should make sure eat fortified cereals like Kashi or Special K to ensure that you get an ample amount of this essential vitamin. Pregnant or lactating vegetarians and vegans should take special care to make sure they get enough of this vitamin, because lower levels of this vitamin could be detrimental to fetuses and infants. The average adult needs 2.4 micrograms (mcg) daily. Cereals contain about 6.0 mcg per serving, so eating these cereals will certainly provide you with the recommended daily amount of vitamin B12. If you eat meat, meat and pork have more B12 than poultry and dairy. Fish also has great levels of B12.

It is very important get a vitamin levels checked if you're feeling you are at risk for a B12 deficiency. Signs of a deficiency include fatigue, anemia, weight loss, muscle aches, a pounding heart and much more. Infants and children could have deficiencies as well, which will show up as failure to thrive or delays in development. Your doctor can order a blood test to confirm your levels, and then can write you a prescription for B12 injections or dissolving tablets. These two types are simpler to absorb into the body when compared to a traditional pill vitamin. It's hard for your body to soak up B12, and so the more pure the form, the better for your body to absorb it. It's also near impossible to overdose with this vitamin, since any extra will still only be excreted by the body.

A person with gastrointestinal issues or pernicious anemia is more vulnerable to a B12 deficiency. Vegetarians as well as the elderly people also have to watch their levels. Eating the proper foods and taking supplements in the right form will assure that you have appropriate amounts of B12, and you will keep your energy up, as well as your blood producing well.

Vitamin B12 is very important to your health. Use these simple techniques to make sure you and your families get enough of this necessary vitamin. Look for foods rich in B12 such as meats and milk, and check the labels of cereal boxes to see if they are fortified with B12. If you make sure you get enough B12 each day, you will ensure good health for yourself and those you love.

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