Friday, March 2, 2012

Can The Law Of Attraction Bring True Love?

By Brent Parsons

Are you wondering if it really is possible to use the Law of Attraction to find the love of your life? Is it wrong to use the Law of Attraction to bring someone wonderful into your life for the purpose of falling in love? It is only natural that you have these thoughts since none of us desires to go through life completely alone and having someone to share out life and our love with only augments every experience in life, right? So, what is the truth about manifesting love into our life and if we can bring anything that we think of or desire into our life then love should follow suit, correct?

Like many things in life though, after the intial excitement wears off we are left with some questions. We wonder if it could really be that simple. Can we really manifest that perfect person into our life? How will they come into our life or is it someone that we already know? If we do find that special someone, is the Law of Attraction going to help us to make them fall in love with us or will we crash and burn the way that we have in the past? These are the thoughts and doubts that crossed through my mind when I first thought of using the Law of Attraction to bring a true love into my life.

As positive as we might try to be, there are times when doubt creeps in and our faith gets shaken. We don't want to get our hopes up but our desire to find someone to give love to and to receive love from is a basic human need that is simply too tempting not to at least try to use the Law of Attraction with. For many of us, given the choice of love or money we would choose love and for many of us who have been hurt in the past, turning our desire for a compatible mate just seems logical and quite exciting. Letting our desire be known to the universe and then letting the Law take over and work things out for us just might be the way to go since we haven't had much real luck on our own in the past.

You might come to the same logical conclusion about using the Law of Attraction to find love that I did. You might look back on your life and your experiences in manifesting simple things like some much needed money or a way out of a difficult situation and you might rationally say, why wouldn't the Law of Attraction work for something like my love life? Even though I had no idea of who this person was that would fill that void in my life, I knew that it was not an impossibility that the Law of Attraction could bring that person into my life. So, I broke it all down and began using the same skills that I had used to manifest so many other things in my life successfully.

Yes, the question of whether using the Law of Attraction to find love was ethical did come to mind more than once. After all, allowing nature to take its course and let things happen naturally is how most people meet their match, right? Sure, they might use dating sites or go on blind dates but is it unethical to use the Law of Attraction to find someone to love wrong? Is it somehow evil or strange to be asking the universe to deliver into your life someone that most people seem to fall across quite naturally? I have to admit that I felt weird more than once when I actually thought about using the Law of Attraction to find love.

Sure, there were other people that seemed to have no problem with relationships or finding a compatible mate but maybe they were using the Law of Attraction in a more subconscious manner. Maybe they were so naturally focused on finding someone to fall in love with that they never really thought about it in the forefront of their mind. Perhaps I had so much negative baggage that I was carrying around that I needed to really sit down, convince myself that I was worthy of having a truly loving relationship and focus on all the aspects of what that perfect person would be like. I would be doing consciously that which others did without even really thinking about.

Another point that I thought of was, how can you make using a natural law wrong? How could I somehow twist or pervert the use of this very natural law? The universe knows my true motives and my true desires even better than I do myself! So, there really is no way of using the Law of Attraction to find love in a way that is wrong or that will lead to finding someone that I am not really looking for.

In the end, it all comes down to me... or you, when it comes to using the Law of Attraction to find love. If it is love that you are looking for in your life then it should be thoughts and dreams of exactly what you desire that should fill your mind. It should be the closing scene of that movie that is your life with you in a fulfilling, loving relationship, whatever that looks like to you. That is the part that is yours and yours alone when it comes to manifesting the relationship that you dream of... along with all the blissful steps along the way! Just remember that it is no all about reaching that destination when it comes to using the Law of Attraction to find love, so don't cheat yourself out of the journey!

About the Author:

1 comment:

Sweet Alchemy said...

It absolutely can bring true love, or anything else you desire! Nice post. Check out the Eleven Forgotten Laws that I have posted on my page...powerful stuff! Keep up the awesome work.