Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Possessing A Fighting Chance The Moment Mugged

By Raemond F Torres

I had neither been at the receiving end of a firearm nor known somebody that was until a few weeks ago. The barista in the cafe where I bought my morning latte and bagel was robbed at gunpoint on her way home coming from the super market. It was a good thing that only her wallet and mobile phone were taken and that she was not harmed.

The occurrence made me understand the importance of possessing a self defense Taser gun for my own personal security. With that idea in mind, I searched the net for the kind that will fit me best.

A non-lethal tool, a Taser makes use of electro-muscular disruption (EMD) technology to be able to stun an assailant even if he or she possesses a high tolerance for pain. The wielder could be certain, obviously, that the effects of the electrical shock aren't permanent. As the opponent is on the ground, the would-have-been prey can make his or her get away as well as call for aid.

A Taser provides both long-range and also close-quarter protection. As a long-range device, it features two probes attached to wires 15 feet long that are released onto the attacker.

Meanwhile, it also gives close-quarter defense if the attacker gets very near considering that the probes can still send out an electrical shock straight into the body upon direct contact, just like any other stun gun will.

As soon as I came across the black Taser M26C, I realized that it was precisely what I desired. This kind of self defense unit is patterned after the Taser utilized by law enforcers. As such, it offers the exact same take-down power as the police-grade stun gun which cops possess.

My purchase of this particular police Taser came with a carrying case, four cartridges, a magazine, a manual and a number of training materials that will be useful for the moment I practice putting my powerful stun gun to use.

As soon as my new self defense Taser gun was delivered, I did some practice stuns. Nowadays, I carry it beside me anywhere I go. I feel much more safe now that I know I have a fighting chance versus assailants.

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