Monday, December 31, 2012

Consumers Can Find Acne Treatments That Work

By Vernell Hunter

Acne affects up to eighty percent of women and men under the age of 21. It is a common skin infection and typically subsides on its own, even if no action is taken by the sufferer. If such breakouts are continuously ignored, however, scars can result, which may become permanent. Scars of this kind can erode a person's self-esteem and confidence. This is why most people are happy to discover acne treatments that work are easy to find.

One of the simplest and easiest remedies for breakouts is washing the affected area several times a day with a mild, hypoallergenic skin cleanser and warm water. Because bacteria is the main culprit in such breakouts, a bit of extra washing can have a substantial impact on how frequently one experiences the condition, as well as the severity level of each breakout. It is essential to avoid harsh rubbing, however, when one is washing his or her face, as this can ultimately have an adverse effect and subsequently make the problem worse.

Individuals who have bangs should consider changing their hairstyle: natural oils are found in all human hair, and they can contribute to the condition whenever the hair comes in contact with the person's skin. Washing one's hair every day will also help decrease these oil levels.

Some people prefer natural remedies rather than conventional treatments found in stores. Individuals in this category should consider applying cucumber juice to their skin. This can be accomplished by arranging slices of fresh cucumber on the affected area. The pore-tightening properties contained in cucumbers fight bacteria, which ultimately helps to prevent scarring and also reduces the number of breakouts one experiences.

Another highly effective acne treatment is to consume a quarter teaspoon of lemon zest once each day. The acidic value of lemons is quite high, and when ingested in their raw form, one's body excretes the byproducts of the fruit through his or her pores. When this action takes place, the dirt and bacteria responsible for most breakouts will be flushed out as well.

Avoiding fare that triggers this skin condition is also a wise way to proceed. This preventative measure is quite beneficial, as it is much easier to avoid breakouts than it is to cure them once they have occurred. Chocolate and fatty foods are two of the worst offenders regarding such breakouts.

Those who have tried natural remedies to no avail may wish to select a traditional treatment that contains benzoyl peroxide. There is a vast array of generic products available that feature this ingredient. There are also a handful of brand-name gels and creams from which one can choose. Remedies that contain vitamin A may also be helpful, and numerous individuals have been quite successful when they used such products to prevent breakouts.

There is no remedy that works 100 percent of the time for all individuals. However, following the aforementioned tips will significantly reduce the number of acne breakouts one experiences. Those who have a severe form of the condition or who suffer from excessively frequent breakouts may wish to consider speaking to dermatologist who can recommend other acne treatments that work on difficult cases.

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