Saturday, January 19, 2013

How to Attract a Specific Person Using Law of Attraction

By Alva D. Miller

As often as I get asked questions on how to attract a committed relationship, I get asked about the problems and issues that stand in the way of attracting lasting love.That is the crux of the issue. Let me explain. You may now understand that the Universe is an intention fulfillment machine. It matches and mirrors back the thoughts and emotions you're transmitting. The Universe is conscious of you and all that operates under the energy management system known as the Law of Attraction.

Get clear about what you want. Before you can create the relationship of a lifetime, you need to know what that is for you. Sometimes people make the mistake of defining their ideal relationship as being with a specific person, rather than identifying the true essence of what they really want. Clarify the fundamental feelings, emotions, and experiences you want, and let the Universe fill in the face. (Otherwise you may play the game of trying to fit a square peg into a round hole.)

How to clear desperation? The easiest way to clear desperation is to let go. Surrender to the light of divine love of the Universe. Imagine a beautiful light of divine love, a pure radiant love light. Just surrender to that beautiful sparkling light. That light created you, gave you everything that you possess, and that light simply loves you, no matter what you have done so far. That light is forgiving, 100% pure love and powerful enough to create a beautiful reality beyond your wildest imagination. When you fell in love that light was silently telling you what to do, only if you listened. So let go of everything, surrender and start anew. Today submit yourself to that divine light and affirm to yourself you let go, you surrender and you allow that Divine Light to create a bright future, a bright love life for you. You accept the divine will because the divine will make your life far happier than you can imagine.

Once you do this you let go of any attachment to the result. Now the fun part begins.Creating a beautiful love life,Once you have let go of any attachment to that person, you have given a very powerful and strong signal to the Universe you are now ready for love in your life. If previously your love was one sided now it's time to create a both sided relationship. You are a super hero in your theater of the mind. Your movie is in your mind and your movie creates your reality. You have 100% control over your imagination and use this wisely to create a reality of your choice.

You must be a match on the inside before it will show up on the outside. It's always an inner game. And I hope you'll be easy with yourself and make it fun. Life is meant to be enjoyed and if you want it with the love of you dreams.Most people don't realize that the law of attraction works for everything. It's not just about attracting money, or that new job or car, or any other material thing you may want, it's about using it to attract everything you want in your life, including attracting love. Since the law of attraction is always on and you're attracting everything into your life already, why not do so consciously.

You'll find these tips have one thing in common: creating vibrational alignment with the relationship you dream of. Because "like attracts like," the power of the Law of Attraction is in aligning vibrationally (your thoughts and emotions) with your desired end result. Follow these steps, and you're guaranteed to be much closer to getting the love life you want.Law of Attraction relationships tools function in another way for me than for money. When I tried to attain wealth using the Law of Attraction I did so very easily. I even retired young employing these methods. However for romance I was forced to seek extreme law of attraction methods.

Love Yourself First.Every relationship we have, be they the ones from work, play, our communities or our private lives--all of these relationships reflect back to us the love we give ourselves. They will tell you or not whether you are loving yourself first.While this may seem selfish, it is imperative if you are going to partner with someone else. If you don't love yourself, how can you love another? If you don't love yourself, how can they love you? When you are in a relationship, you will find that the way that person loves you is a direct reflection of how you feel about yourself.

Imagine a pink ball of energy in between your hands in which you see you already have the relationship of your choice. In this ball you can see you and your lover. This ball can only contain pure and good love energy. Note the words, the thoughts, the kind of relationship you both have in this ball. Now let go of the pink ball. Let it flow away in the Universe.Let go of any attachment. And if you do it right there will be no attachment now because you are already in a field where you can FEEL the feelings of the relationship and loving your lover. In case there are any doubts Affirm to yourself, "I surrender to my divine light". "I only have love and gratitude for my divine light".

You may be wondering, "What exactly does a love spell have to do with the law of attraction for relationships?" My response is, "Almost everything." Think it over. A good love ritual is simply the easiest way of focusing your thoughts, visualizing or saying yes to what you wish and then expelling it into the universal mind for completion.I believe the thing that makes a love spell more powerful than a guided visualization, for instance, is release. Releasing what you want to the universe is integral for law of attraction relationships techniques to work.The simplest of spells can be described by remembering how we light a candle on our birthday cake, make a wish and blow it out. All spells are based on the ancient pagan tradition of using candles, the symbol of transformation.Next time you are fumbling around trying to get law of attraction relationships techniques to work, why not find a pink candle, say a prayer and blow it out asking for your love? It worked for me and it just might work for you.

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