Saturday, January 19, 2013

How We Use Sounds For Daily Affirmations

By Cecelia C. Dawson

In our normal every day lives we often use sounds for daily affirmations without even realizing that this is what we're doing! In the car you may have your favourite track playing on the stereo. Even though it's music, it's still sound even though it's been formed into a structure that we identify as music.The essential thing is that we are using the sounds to help us feel good. It's a trigger to give us that boost of euphoria we need in order to face the day. It can lift us from the lowest mood to the highest peak of exhilaration, depending on exactly what fires our own emotions. Hence some people get a great thrill jumping about and listening to heavy metal - while the neighbour next door could be burying into the pillow at the constant thump, thump, thump of the drums. My father used to cry tears of joy listening to Messiaen's organ music while I used to cry tears of pain.

Some people use daily affirmations to help them find the confidence to face the day. These are, after all, sounds in another format. Everything we hear is sound. It's the meaning we attach to it that causes our emotions to run high or to flatten out to a tranquil state. So to find those sounds that have the best effect is essential to finding affirmations that work.Have you ever heard how it doesn't matter what you say to a baby because it's the tone in which you say it? This has the same effect on us if we can't understand what the meaning behind the words is. I remember hearing a beautifully intoned phrase in German and thinking it must be something beautiful. It turned out to mean "we're having some really shocking weather".

When trying to manifest your desires through affirmations and any other techniques consistency is the key ( just as it is with many other things in life.) Whatever we give our attention to is what we are drawing into our life. You need to consistently place your attention on that which you desire. Visualisation combined with positive affirmations is the key to getting what you want. See yourself as already having it, let your thoughts and feelings flow to enjoying the object or the experience.

One of the most powerful experiences in my life has been to work with Tibetan singing bowls. I have seen these in action in Nepal and been deeply moved by the response to them and the experience of coming into contact with their deep vibrations and tones. For me, this is one of the most magical sounds there can be, reaching out from across the millennia with healing energy - essentially because of their beautiful sounds.

Men are expected, by most people, to be strong and commanding in virtually all aspects of their life. Have you ever wondered how some of these men seem to stand out among their peers? The use of positive daily affirmations is the most likely reason for this. By using and practicing these affirmation tips, men in today's society are more in control of everything around them. Here are some tips to help make positive daily affirmations work for any man that you may know.

The first thing to realize is that positive daily affirmations are designed to sit in your subconscious mind. They aren't things that you will want to dwell on during the day, you want them to sit tucked away where you won't see them constantly, at least where you know about. They are designed to reside under the top layers of your brain, in order to reprogram the way that your mind views things.

Everything we think, everything we say, is an affirmation. Whether conscious or not, we are continually analyzing our existence. The way we think about ourselves and our lives shapes the way that we respond and react to the environment around us. If we tell ourselves we hate our job we'll spend so much time focusing on that, we will fail to notice things such as we have friends we work with, the great employee care our company offers and career advancement opportunities. Conversely, if we were to tell ourselves we loved our job we would smile more at work, be more productive and excited about our work and network and make more connections that could lead to a coveted promotion.

Positive affirmations work by the power of thought, and the power of thought plays a large influence on our lives. Many of the extremely successful people today operate with daily affirmations, and you can too. You are the only limit to your dreams; only you can create the reality you want.

Daily affirmations are a very effective way to quickly change your life and start living your dreams by attracting prosperity and abundance. But, it is important that you understand how daily affirmations work and what you need to do to make them more effective.Daily affirmations work with both your conscious and subconscious mind to change your thinking and your reality. Many times people get stuck in the negative energy that surrounds us. It is easy to fall into the trap of dwelling on negative thoughts that are put in our mind.

Now that you have your affirmation, you need to use it. You'll want to make positive thinking a part of your daily routine. Try to do this first thing in the morning, and then throughout the day if you find your negative thoughts are creeping back in. Look at yourself in the mirror. Be convincing, be enthusiastic, and make yourself believe what you are saying. Keep a paper with your positive statements on it with you at all times. Take it out and read it to yourself if you need to. Don't feel silly. Remember that you have the power to change your life, and positive daily affirmations can be the first step in a great journey.

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