Monday, January 21, 2013

How to Program Your Subconscious Mind For Happiness

By Sharida Kuiken

If you have no confidence in self, you are twice defeated in the race of life. With confidence, you have won even before you have started. - Quote by, Marcus GarveyImage all the things you want and dream about everyday. You can actually program your subconscious mind for the happiness, health, creativity, and riches that you deserve just by focusing on what it is you desire to happen.What do you think about every day? Do you limit your thoughts with self-defeating beliefs and negative attitudes? Instead, entertain thoughts that are worthy of your natural birthright. Feed your mind continuous thoughts of wellness, enjoyment, prosperity, and accomplishment.

A well-programmed subconscious mind makes the difference between happiness and sadness, success and failure, realizing possibilities and despair.It is easy to program your subconscious mind and I see it as these 10 simple steps.Be the guardian of everything that enters your mind. Know that everything you see hear and feel goes directly into your subconscious mind and you must manage the information you allow in. Eliminate negative information as much as you can by limiting the amount of news you read, stop seeing violent movies, read only positive information. Keep the positive information flowing into your mind and your subconscious will naturally become more positive.

Speak kindly to yourself. When you look in the mirror do you like what you see? Do you compliment yourself on your most outstanding attributes? Stop all negative talk to yourself immediately. You are a perfect creation of God and you have beautiful traits that need recognizing. Remind yourself of your great eyes or your winning smile--whatever sets you apart from everyone else in a positive way. Your subconscious will thank you. Surround yourself with positive people. Negative people can quickly lead to negative thoughts. Make sure your group of friends are those that love and admire you for the great person you are. Eliminate any time spent with anyone who brings you down. You can't afford the hit to your subconscious mind simply to maintain a negative friendship.

Use affirmations to your advantage and the optimum times when your subconscious mind is listening. Immediately upon waking and immediately upon going to bed are the times when your conscious and subconscious mind are closest. It is at these times when you get the biggest bang out of your affirmations. Use positive affirmations at these times to super-program the subconscious. Some examples of positive affirmations are:I am one with the creative power that is materializing all my desires.Money is my friend. I have plenty of money. I freely express my creativity

Brainwave entrainment is an easy-to-use tool that get you into the right brainwave frequency so can manifest your desires more quickly.The laws of attraction are initiated by your thoughts. Not all your thoughts are from your conscious mind. In fact most of the thought energy you send out into the Universe emanate from your subconscious mind without you even being aware of it happening. If you want to achieve your desires in life, it must be programmed for success. Your subconscious mind has been likened to a homing torpedo. Once it is launched, it follows the direction given to it irrespective of whether it is aiming for the correct target. Nor can it differentiate between reality and what you have vividly imagined. To ensure that your "homing torpedo" hits the right target, you have to make sure that it is programmed correctly by following these four steps:

Positive behaviors are effective, and life changing. Make your affirmations of happiness, wellness, achievement, and prosperity, now.Emotional Freedom Technique was discovered by Gary Craig. Using the emotional freedom technique involves tapping the energy meridian points on the body. This might seem silly at first and unlikely to work however the technique is not that outrageous when you consider that it is similar to acupuncture without the needles. It is becoming increasingly popular and is recognized worldwide as an effective means of energy therapy and for changing the way the subconscious perceives events.A couple people who you may recognize are Bruce Lipton Ph.D who said that "EFT is a simple powerful process that can profoundly influence gene activity, health and behaviour." and Deepak Chopra MD who said that "EFT offers great healing benefits".

EMDR Another method recommended is Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing. This method has an 84-100% success rate, is non-invasive and was first discovered by Francine Shapiro in 1987. The process involves thinking about a traumatic memory while receiving bi-lateral stimulation. The sessions involve flicking your eyes back and forth or listening to a bi-lateral audio or holding onto bilateral tactile sensors while thinking about a traumatic memory. Theses sessions last around 90 minutes and the typical client requires 2 sessions to cause the traumatic memory to lose its emotional intensity. Bilateral exercises cause the left and right hemisphere to work simultaneously which allows the memory to be reprocessed in a much more beneficial way.

Set aside time for you. Everyone needs time to reflect. Whether you pray, meditate, practice yoga, or just read positive information. Set aside an hour each day for yourself. Your subconscious mind needs to know just how important you are and nothing shows this importance than having time for yourself. Many believe there is not a free hour in the day for themselves. Whether you have to wake an hour early or go to bed an hour later having an hour of peace is an important way to clear your mind and open yourself to the possibilities your subconscious mind can offer.

Be the person you admire Make a list of the attributes you most admire in others and incorporate these into your own life--one by one. Once you begin to admire yourself, your subconscious mind will have a higher opinion of you as well.Maintain a lighthearted/happy spirit. Never allow the pressures of the day to bring you down. Make it a point to be light hearted and happy as much as humanly possible. Dwelling on the negatives of life badly affects your subconscious mind. Keeping a positive spirit will keep your subconscious mind well programmed and open to wonderful possibilities.

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