Friday, March 1, 2013

Natural Remedies for Eczema-Dealing With Eczema Naturally

By Vernell Hunter

Eczema could be a very upsetting condition and there are a lot of people who suffer from this particular skin condition. Day to day life can be difficult as the symptoms of eczema, like dry and itchy skin, can be painful. The conventional remedies include moisturizing emollients and topical steroid lotions. Natural remedies for eczema are a safer gentler alternative.

It is extremely important that you do not scratch the spot which has eczema. The result if you do will see your skin flaking away and cause bleeding which will be painful and not help your condition. Also bacteria could be introduced in this spot via the fingernails. Thus, you need to keep your fingernails clean and short as possible to minimize severe scarring from scratching.

Keeping your skin hydrated is an excellent way of dealing with your eczema. There are lots of natural balms and non perfumed moisturizers and these can help to guard your skin. Natural, organic balms are perfect as you know there are no potentially harmful additives and so make sure you research the market for the best options available. You should check out the ingredients in your shampoo since certain chemicals may bring about eczema on your face. Again, you can find natural options and you may find that those that contain zinc are beneficial.

Eczema has been connected to stress and sadly if you suffer from the problem, this can be stressful in itself. Try to find ways to reduce stress in your life as this will help your immune system. If you perform exercises such as deep breathing and hypnosis, you will definitely relax and lower your stress. Eczema is brought on by certain foods so you need to go over what foods you eat in your diet. You may want to speak with a dietician or qualified skin care therapist. There is strong evidence that shows consuming foods with wheat, sugar and milk can worsen eczema while foods with fatty acids like virgin oil or cold pressed rapeseed might help. Additionally, you may want to take good quality vitamin and mineral supplements and increase your intake of omega 3, 6 and 9.

Keeping your home neat and minimizing dust is also vital to keeping your eczema at bay. Using natural cleaners is your best choice because they don't generally contain very unsafe chemicals to exacerbate your eczema condition. Always wear work gloves when you do your house cleaning and use a hand cleanser which is organic when cleaning your hands.

Living with eczema can be hard but if you use natural remedies for eczema in your everyday routine, you can lessen the effects.

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