Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Where To Find Sober Greeting Cards

By Kenya Campos

Recovery from drug and alcohol addiction is a very difficult process for most people and when successes happen they need to be celebrated in ways that allow those involved pleasant memories for years to come. The need for a permanent memento for these members of AA and NA is one of the reasons that many shops and companies evolved. These recovery oriented businesses specialize in recovery based items including sober greeting cards.

Monthly birthday meetings many time serve as part of the reason a new comer may stay in the program until they are well enough to stay in sobriety by choice. Seeing others receive the card and medallions and hearing the praise that usually goes with the presentation can serve as a strong motivator for some. Finding anything more than a generic card in most stores is very difficult. There are stores in many cities that carry all of the twelve step supplies needed to make the event far more personal.

You will be able to find these items on the internet also. There are numerous sites that offer the opportunity to purchase a card for any event that may occur. They are available as a single card purchase or in boxes of twelve. Many twelve step groups purchase them along with books and medallions to pass out to their members. The subject matter may include buzz word sayings familiar to most people in recovery.

The people who own the internet companies often will display a card submitted by an individual for sale. Some merchandise includes themes that apply to sobriety and the continuing struggles and progress. One theme is centered around the camel because it carries a large load every day and lays it down at night. This signifies turning the worst problems over to a higher power at day's end in twelve step programs.

Using sites that will provide an E-card for someone special is another option. It will be sent to the e-mail address you provide for delivery and you can schedule the delivery in advance if you choose to do so. There are also companies that will mail the card you select to the person you designate.

Many of the people who produce these specialty items are in recovery themselves. They have inside knowledge of sayings and acronyms used by participants inside and outside the meetings. This insight allows them to create a card that is meaningful and supportive to the recipient.

As recovering addicts and alcoholics as well as business owners many feel that they are participating in the service part of AA and NA programs. They offer many different types of items pertinent to recovery including Big Books from AA and jewelry such as necklaces and bracelets containing the recovery logos. A few of the suppliers offer to submit their printing orders to local print shops for their customers' convenience. This can speed up delivery but may alter the quality of the finished products.

For many people the smallest effort can make the difference between staying or leaving recovery. A personalized card that speaks to their successes and progress may be just the thing to tip them into remaining in sobriety one more day or for the rest of their lives.

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