Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Dumbo-cratic Party

By Nui Kahuna

I am telling you now that I am breaking my 40 days pledge to not write anything about politics for 40 days. I will try to get back on the wagon tomorrow, but I cannot promise. I'll just have to take it one day at a time and we'll see what happens next. I really just cannot sit here and not write about what is going on.

I watched the Conservative Political Action Committee or the CPAC conference over the weekend. The CPAC was particularly interested in watching Rush of the Excellence in Broadcasting Network, as was I by the way. I wanted to see how he managed all the unfavorable judgment he's been getting for wanting Obama to fail. (Like that's not a good thing.)

And I was not disappointed, Rush disassembled the neo-marxist argument cleverly. He stated very well what Obama wants, and how he will get his wants, and Rush repeated what he said before, "I want Obama to fail."

The Democratic Party reacted violently, as you might expect. They had forgotten the same language they used to try and mop the floor with The Surge in Iraq. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid pontificated that war in Iraq was lost. All his fellow travelers chimed in, including the newly appointed Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton.

They allowed the George Soros funded Movement organization attack on General petraeus, labeling him as General Betrayus in full page ads in different publishings like New York Times and Washington Post. This is how they treat a man who has served his country faithfully his entire life.

Now Obama is presiding over the greatest catastrophe in our history. And yes, for all you pissant lefties, Bush was part of this problem. But it ain't his problem anymore.

The Obammessiah promised a lot of things during the campaign, from peace and harmony, that he could put an end to racial divisions, brotherhood, and give two gold bars to illegal aliens.

He never liked people who have money, and he is now trying to play the role of Robin Hood, who would steal the rich people's money and give it to those who raise their hand.

He says he will be taxing the rich. Now let me tell you the ironic reality, in case you have been living in a cave down in Arkansas county, the truly rich people never pay taxes.

Obama can go on blustering 'till the cows come home, but believe me he's not ever going to get any money from the so called rich. He talks about rich, but in reality he steals from very people that are the propelling this country, small business people, who work hard and obey the rules just like you and me.

So if you didn't know it in November, you should know by now that he was never honest. He is a thief, a cheat and in no way transparent.

Ok..Ok..there might be some good things in the stimulus bill, but I really think it's a truckload of turd too, turd that according to him he would never tolerate. But Nancy Pants won that battle, and on her Part II service with a new absurd and turdy package, and she even says more is required.

The next election comes in 21 months. No time should be wasted, be politically inclined to help and support candidates that are also against Obama's agenda, support the candidates that want Obama to fail and cease him from getting what he wants. For all you know, Obama has already mortgaged your grand children's fund, and he's not gonna stop there.

Be aware, be involved, read the paper, watch the TV, read magazines. Cause if you don't, then be ready to have a government in your pants like fire ants, your participation will make a difference.

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