Monday, March 9, 2009

Snow Shovels For Your Back

By Douglas Cordell

Winter is a time of joy, but it can also be a harsh reminder of our mortality. The holidays bring with it a number of deaths; ranging from an increased crime rate caused by the increased salary, to the terribly mundane but no less tragic accidents caused by the weather. Leading amongst these are the fatalities caused by heart attacks, which occur while simply shoveling snow, no less.

Before you buy that snow shovel, take the time to consider the dangers involved. Why do these people suffer an attack while shoveling snow? A lot of it stems from the amount of energy that is all used up at the same time. You bend over to position the shovel properly, you use arm strength to lift off the snow, and you walk around so that you are able to toss the snow aside. What's more, you wouldn't notice these things immediately, so you may be exerting a lot more energy than what your heart is used to these days.

Thankfully, these concerns are now being addressed, and improvements upon the snow shovel's basic design are now being made. A new alternative to snow shoveling is now available, and it is the safest choice compared to the snow shovel or even the large and unwieldy tractors. I would want you to take a look at the wovel.

The wovel is made up of a super-light snow shovel with a three to four foot wooden handle. When compared to the regular old shovel, it's much lighter and easier to use. You scoop up more snow at once, which leads to you finishing your task earlier. You will have more time for the important tasks you need to get to, all thanks to the wovel.

Attached to the area where the blade meets the handle, you will see a flexible cord, about thirty inches long. With this contraption, you are able to hold the cord so that you maintain an upright position. That way, your back is not strained while you're shoveling. You will be able to breathe easier, and you can continue living a healthy life.

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