Sunday, March 8, 2009

Meditation with Snow Shovels

By Douglas Cordell

As you start to ripen in years, your longing for the fast paced lifestyle becomes less and less. Instead, you will prefer to just hang back and watch the world from a much more leisurely pace. Why try to catch up with the world? Nothing beats the down-to-earth feeling of staying where you're comfortable. One must, after all, often pause to enjoy life.

Your outlook is similar when you are clearing the snow in your front lawn. The younger people, in their constant need to do things the fast way, buy quick and noisy machines that do the job in minutes. But that's not for you, for you prefer the time to ponder on the fond memories gone by. You have experienced many winters, and you recall each of them as you shovel.

At least, you would have if shoveling snow doesn't take that much effort. Shoveling snow is not that easy, and it takes considerably more effort as you count years. Stooping down, you will note at how you expose your back to harm as you scoop a considerable weight, and it becomes very tiring to simply toss the snow aside.

It is thus a blessing for you to know that there have been modifications to the classic snow shovel that you love. Today's best snow shovels feature many new things; most notably a bungee cord attached to its midsection. Extending to just below thirty inches in length, it allows you to hold the shovel while remaining upright, keeping your back safe.

The cord not only keeps your back safe; its elastic nature also allows lends energy that you don't have to use yourself. Shoveling snow thus turns into a relaxing activity, and you are able to do it at your own leisure. Truly, this invention keeps all the benefits of using the snow shovel without any of its drawbacks.

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