Sunday, June 28, 2009

A Flatter Stomach In Two Steps

By Sarah Schlott

There's is a point we all come to where the fad diets, infomercial products and workout gimmicks are revealed as shameless ploys.

So, do you want to know how to drop two sizes in your first two weeks alone? It can be done for everyone in only two easy steps.

Are you ready for this? It doesn't cost you a dime and it's something you can do right in the comfort of your own home. It's called resistance training and supportive eating.

After careful research and trial and error I stumbled upon these secrets while visiting the site mentioned at the end of this article. I found that cutting carbs and fats from your diet only lowers your metabolism and sets you up for more weight GAIN. By eating supportively, you support a healthy lifestyle and metabolism. One that will support consistent weight loss.

By eating 4-6 small meals a day, you support a healthy mood and metabolism. That is why it is called eating supportively. You are supporting yoru body with frequent supplies of carbs, fat, protein and sugar.

Wish there was a way to burn more calories with less energy exerted while keeping your metabolism up for over 36 hours? Welcome to the easy and focused second secrete to weight loss - resistance training. Know of any cardio session that brings you this?

Didn't think so.

Resistance training helps you to burn more calories while you workout and while you rest. The lean muscle built raises your resting metabolic rate so you can lose while you rest.

Trust me, do these two secrets for the next two weeks and I guarantee you will boost your metabolism and you will be able to see results.

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