Friday, July 3, 2009

Review: Sanyo SR-1000 Massage Chair

By Steven D Esquire

The following is a product review and evaluation of the Sanyo HEC-SR1000K massage chair recliner. This is the entry level massage chair model for Sanyo. We will present the salient features, functions and warranty coverage available for this massage chair. Let us take an in depth look at the Sanyo SR1000K massage chair recliner.

With all massage chairs, make sure that you check out the warranty coverage. There is substantial variation between models of the same manufacturer and also between manufacturers. Let us focus on the warranty of the DR 6700. The roller mechanism is covered for a three year period. This is what massages the back and the mechanics are contained in the chair back. The parts and labor are covered for one year each. There is also in home repair available and that is picked up by Sanyo for the first year.

There are two automatic programs designed in the SR 1000K massage chair. The first program is called Relax and as the name implies, it provides a softer, soothing massage. The second program is named Recovery and it is more like a warm down type of massage. Both of these auto-programs work with the touch of one button.

An intriguing and innovative feature is called the Stiffness Detector. This system using readings of your pulse rate and perspiration levels and correlates those to areas of the body having more tension. The massage chair then focuses the massage treatment to those areas detected. This is a fascinating technology integrated into the SR 1000 massage chair.

There are manual massage methods also built into the programming of the massage chair. These manual massages use one type of technique once selected. However, you can compliment the manual massage technique with 2 variations of leg stretches. Just select the type of stretch you would like and the SR 1000 will add it as part of the manual program as it is running.

The SR1000K also comes with a unique leg rest massager. The leg rest can be used to target the following areas: calves, back of the knees, sole of the foot and the Achilles tendon/heal. The leg rest contains a roller mechanism that massages the calves and the back of the knees. You can flip down the unit and then put your feet on it. This allows you to target the soles of your feet for a nice soothing massage. You can vary the speed of the massage and also the direction of the rollers.

There is a remote that runs all the functions of the SR1000. The design is fairly simple and intuitive for first time users. The buttons are a good size and easy for the average user to push. There are little lights that are used to show the level of intensity of the massage and also the roller width.

The design is different than most massage chairs on the market. We like the fact that the leg rest does not look like the typical massage chair. It looks more like a recliner. The feet can be massaged and this part can be hidden from view. The only strange part of the design is the remote control holder is mounted on the sign and kind of an eye sore. We do like the wood accents and that the chair is fairly thin. Overall, the SR-1000K provides thorough and effective massage therapy. It comes with a great warranty for this price level. If you are shopping for a massage chair recliner, then the Sanyo SR1000K is one to take a serious look at.

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