Monday, June 29, 2009

Secrets of the Pop Kick!

By Al Case

The best kick I know, nobody else knows it. This is a funny thing, but it's true, at least, I never see anybody else use it. Not in the MMA, not in tournaments, not even in good, old regular dojo freestyle.

This kick is as instantaneous as thought, but if I don't pull it and land it softly, I'm going to break a bunch of my opponent's ribs. To be truthful, this kick is probably the most powerful kick in all the martial arts. When I use it it always scores, and I mean big time.

The replacement spin side kick is what I call this kick--but I simply refer to it as the Pop Kick. When I use it I turn my back to my opponent, I can't even see him. Yet, the kick shakes his ribcage every single time.

When you make this kick, you first have to be able to fight out of a horse stance. This is easily done, but there is a weakness to it. Obviously, you have turned your side, and your body is half closed.

Because of this I make the position temporary when I fight out of a horse stance. I usually let myself be outstrategied into a bad position, and thus the opponent never expects what is about to come. This makes the surprise of my opponent even greater.

Now, you've got to learn how to switch feet effectively. To practice for this switch I assume a horse stance and learn how to let the energy pop from my tan tien, I envision snapping the fingers--very important--the switching of the legs is just like the snapping of fingers.

Take a stance next a wall, and, when switching the feet, relax, breath easily, and pop the foot so you spin to the rear and land it gently upon the wall. Be totally synchronous, and let one foot land on the wall, and the other foot land on the floor. The trick is to relax and see the kick in your mind--just let the thought of the kick pop.

Do you see the magic here? It works because I am practicing kicking at the speed of thought, and the kick becomes virtually instantaneous, like the movement of a magicians fingers when he pulls that ace out of the deck. I start from one stance, the other fellow thinking that he's got me because he's shutting my body to the side, and wacko cracko, I pop a side kick from the wrong side. The instant coordination, the sudden drop of the weight, the pure strength of the side kick, the unexpectedness of it all, they all combine to make a mofo kick that can't be stopped.

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