Sunday, December 6, 2009

Will You Adults Stop Your Whining and Just Manage Children's Behaviour Properly!

By Liz Marsden

I'm really having a major rant today... I've got a little lad who's just started in my group. Ok, he's appalling - well, his behaviour is... It's been that way for years and he's only just 8 years old. Unbelievable! Well, no it's not really, because I meet kids like this all the time. It's what I do... manage the behaviour of those who behave so badly they're on the point of being kicked out of school for good.

So, this 8 year old's behaviour is truly awful...

But that's not what the rant's about. He's fine - well, not just yet, but he will be...

My rant is about the adults in his school, and in so many other schools, who've allowed this situation to arise in the first place. Adults are useless, hopeless, awful...

Good heavens, what crime have they commited? Well, rather than accept any responsibility themselves they've got together and written whining letters to those in a higher position, complaining about this little boy...

What do they want to happen as a result? I don't know really but I imagine they want him to be taken away and not to darken their doors again...

Come on Liz, surely that's reasonable and they'd want him to go to another school? No, it is not reasonable - in fact it's totally unreasonable... Why? Well, as I've said so many times, children's behaviour is an adult problem. Ok, kids are behaving badly, but why? Because the adults are getting it so wrong, that's why...

Adults have to accept that they are responsible for children's behaviour - and those in this boy's school have allowed him to deteriorate to this point. Whingeing and whining about a situation that adults in general have allowed to get worse and worse, isn't going to have any beneficial impact, is it?

So, why do children behave so badly? Easy... simply because they can and they also know nobody is going to do very much about it - apart from a fair amount of whining, that is! And that doesn't do any good, does it?

The only way children's behaviour will change is if adults evaluate their own behaviour and make some changes to themselves. They won't see any alterations in children's behaviour unless this happens.

So, get a grip. If you don't know what to do then learn what to do. It's not difficult. Put your money where your mouth is and start doing what adults should do. Manage kids!!

Ok, my ranting's done for now!

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