Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Successfully Pass the CISSP Exam with Your First Attempt

By Jessica Blandino

The CISSP exam could be intimidating even for an experienced and competent test taker. After all it is 250 multiple choice questions in 6 hours and that means you have to have a solid pace to complete the questions in the allotted time. A strategic CISSP test taking method is necessary to pass the CISSP exam on your own very first try. You will discover three essential phases to consider: prior to exam preparation, day prior to the exam, and test day.

CISSP - Prior to Exam Preparation

1. Preparation is essential be sure to put in the study time

The CISSP exam needs a focused and powerful study effort. Even if you are an information security professional with numerous experiences across a few of the domains you need a study plan. Weaknesses most of the domains could derail the chances of you passing on your first test

2. What does it take to pass?

You will need at the very least a 70% to pass the CISSP exam. To acquire that 70% you have to assess your information security and test taking skills.

3. Make an absolute CISSP study strategy

The CISSP exam is about passing. To pass you should approach the test using a disciplined test taking approach and laser like focus. Here's a procedure to get you started:

* Speed read/scan through each domain area in your CISSP study materials * Highlight domain areas which need much more focus for you according to your development requirements

4. Layout a successful CISSP test taking strategy

* Use your exam book for notes and cross out erroneous answers. You do not get extra points for keeping it spotless so put it to use like a useful resource. * X out incorrect answers so only possible alternatives remain * Using this strategy can make full use of the allowed 6 hours thereforethat one could pass the CISSP exam.

5. Exercise your strategy on trial CISSP examinations

Obtain practice exams and handle them as an exact test of how you will tackle the test. Determine trends for missed questions and find problem domain areas.

CISSP - Test Day

1.Consume your normal breakfast 2.Arrive at the exam earlier to evaluate the environment, get listed and get concentrated. 3.Carry identification, number 2 pencils and also other essential materials that the preparation info informs you to take. 4.Follow your test taking plan given previously 5. Use all six hours 6. Prepare to become a CISSP

About the Author:


Unknown said...

Great thoughts you got there, believe I may possibly try just some of it throughout my daily life.

Steffi said...

Thanks for sharing, I will bookmark and be back again