Monday, July 25, 2011

New Thinking - Improve Your Golf Game With Your Mind

By Gretchen Robertvine

Improve Your Golf Game with the ancient art of Zen. This is a way to remain calm and find inner peace that will give you the focus that you need to improve your scores. It is a tried and true method and has worked for many golfers for decades. Many golfers may employ only the superior focus, some others will incorporate this with additional methods such as a deep massage therapy with a thumper massager or with a skilled acupuncture procedure.

Using Zen as a way to better scores in golf has been around since the 1980's. Golfers needed a new technique in improving their skills and thus, they turned to Eastern philosophy. Golf is already a very Zen like sport so it was already very easy to understand for anyone that was familiar with the sport.

Zen is the art of keeping the mind calm through repeating calming words and keeping a positive image in the mind. In this sport, the image that should be used is where the ball will land when you hit it. It goes so much deeper though. Instead of just where the ball will land, but think of every move that is required to hit the ball. Hitting the ball can require a lot of steps and if you focus on each one, then you will be able to see what you are doing wrong, should you be doing anything wrong at all.

Golfers over the decades have found that Zen is an excellent way teach themselves error correction in their swing and stance. With a more relaxed posture, golfers were getting greater distance on their drives. It also gave them a more attuned sense of distance and depth.

There are still classes that offer this technique to new golfers. They are fewer and far between, but some old masters are willing to teach these techniques. Many different schools of thought on golf training exist, but the most widely known for many years was this technique.

Zen and sports have appeared in many books and television programs. While there is not as big a following as there use to be, there are still some websites available to give tips on how to use the philosophy to develop stronger skills in sports. Though it is still around, it has changed in many ways from its early days.

Meditation gardens were introduced to the courses across the country and golfers were able to relax and concentrate better on the sport. Their focus was centered in these gardens and more and more courses began to add them. There were some religious issues that some courses had with the gardens so a lot of courses decided to not include the gardens.

If you would like to improve your golf game then keep in mind that there are many ways to learn. One of the best ways might be considered Zen, however, it seems that there are a lot of instructional DVDs that can also help. Remember though, the best way to accomplish something or learn anything is to remain calm and collected. There are more than one way to learn to raise your skills in game and discovering them are as easy as searching the internet or asking a pro at the club. Keep the faith and succeed.

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