Friday, November 25, 2011

Bad Body Language

By Roxanne Riley

We all know that we can send signals without saying a word. You can let someone know you're interested, attracted, or confident. Body language is also great for showing someone that you're not that into it, without breaking any hearts. How? Put those attracted signals in reverse to let someone know that they should move on.

If you're attracted to someone you make smoldering eye contact. This shows that you're interested in them and what they're saying. When you're not so interested, do the opposite. Look around the room when they're talking, watch the door for new people coming in, or look at the other people in a group conversation. This shows a lack of interest in the person and the topics of conversation.

Being short with someone shows you aren't interested in them. When they ask you a question, give a very short answer and don't reciprocate with another question. This is a signal that communicates your interest even if it's not a type of body language.

When you're into someone you get closer to them. You lean in during conversation and stand close when you're talking. When you're not into someone, keep your distance. Don't touch their arm, don't move your chair closer, don't lean in every time they say something. If they move closer to you, back up a little. If they lean into you, lean back. Being closer physically shows you want to be closer to them in every way.

Standing and sitting straight is a signal of confidence. Standing stiffly is a signal that you're not interested or uncomfortable. A rigid pose shows that you aren't enjoying yourself and are not excited about whatever is going on, especially if that's a conversation with the person in front of you.

When you're not interested in someone, you can show that you're closed off to them with where you put your arms and hands. Crossing your arms makes you seem closed off. This sends the signal that you don't want to be approached. Another way to show you're closed off to conversation or advances is to hide your hands. Putting your hands in your pockets or your lap makes you seem less approachable or interested.

Closing your legs tightly is another way to make you appear to be closed off as well. It is literally signaling that you aren't open to someone. Relaxing your stance makes you look approachable. Looking closed off says keep moving, I'm not interested.

Wrinkling your nose says that you're disgusted. You do it when you see something gross. Do it when you're unhappy with the person you're talking to as well.

You never want to say something hurtful just because you're not interested in someone. Using body language is a great way to show that you're not interested without saying a word. Soon, you will both get to move on to more appealing conversations and conversationalists.

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