Monday, November 21, 2011

Join the Challenge

By Steven Olson

I'm pleased that many readers have already accepted the 30-day challenge (see the last paragraph of that post). If you'd like to join with us publicly, please express your interest by adding a comment (either on this post or the one mentioned above).

On May 20th we'll do a group postmortem, so if you want to be done with your 30 days before then, you'll need to begin within the next couple days (if you haven't already started). For the postmortem I'll make a new blog post that day which references the original challenge, and then we can all share our results by posting comments.

There's no way to fail at this. Either you succeed, or you have a learning experience.

Now if you actually complete a 30-day trial, what's going to happen? First, you'll go far enough to establish it as a habit, and it will be easier to maintain than it was to begin it. Secondly, you'll break the addiction of your old habit during this time. Thirdly, you'll have 30 days of success behind you, which will give you greater confidence that you can continue. And fourthly, you'll gain 30 days worth of results, which will give you practical feedback on what you can expect if you continue, putting you in a better place to make informed long-term decisions.

Therefore, once you hit the end of the 30-day trial, your ability to make the habit permanent is vastly increased. But even if you aren't ready to make it permanent, you can opt to extend your trial period to 60 or 90 days. The longer you go with the trial period, the easier it will be to lock in the new habit for life.

You didn't think personal growth was only about reading and reflection, did you? At some point you have to take action, especially when success isn't certain. So don't be a cowardly lion - step up and make a commitment to get off your butt and join us in this challenge.

About the Author:

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