Friday, November 25, 2011

Resentment prevents you Achieve Your Private Growth (I)

By Elkin Arriero

Any person might have an annoyed once in a life, but living in a permanent state of irritation or fury continued influences negative on our health and acts as a barrier or obstacle that stops our individual expansion.

The resentment its feel terrible. Our stomach becomes a node, we get sweaty, its cloudy our view and we respond violently to the circumstances that confront us. We've all been there. Often it can be so intense that quiver while we experience a strong loathing to other folks, but when we calmed down we wonder how it was that we might like to get to that state?

Well, extremely simple, emotion-whether positive or negative, is our body's reply to a idea, which can on occasion be triggered by an external situation nevertheless , most of the time that situation is viewed through the lens of our own interpretation. Our lens is coloured by the psychological concepts that everybody has the right and wrong, mine or others, right or wrong, etc ... We have all got different lenses so interpretation conflicts are inescapable and can trigger fury or anger. (Ley de Atraccion)

Consider the hate trigger factors:

Injustice - We think we have been treated unfairly, and we made up a tale in which someone has sickened us.

Loss - We feel we've lost something, which we identify ourselves, feelings, pride, cash, work, etc ...

Guilt - We blame to others races or external scenarios for causing our loss, we take advantage of unfairly. Guilt regularly just lives in our head and is a product of our imagination. We never see things from the point of view of others and become very self-centered.

Agony - We experience discomfort, psychological anguish, and uneasiness, which cause physical reactions in our body, disrupting our natural energy flow and the welfare state.

Twisted Focus - We focus on what we need and not put all our energy when we protested about it and repeat it constantly to the world, the result is this creates a downward spiral of fury. AtreveteAVivir

Why should we care to overcome the resentment?

Negative emotions like fury, put your body into survival mode, its say, our body feels this is a serious danger, which produces a physical change and its prepares for run or fight away. These physical replies interrupt the natural flow of energy which in turn affects our heart, immune mechanism, digestion and hormone production. A negative feeling is therefore a lethal to the body and meddles with its balance and harmonious functioning.

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