Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Network Marketing: What Kim Kardashian's Break Up Can Teach You about Commitment in Your Business

By Pamela Schott

Are you truly committed to building a strong network marketing business business?

Yesterday, it was announced that Kim Kardashian filed for divorce from her husband of 72 days, Kris Humphries, citing "irreconcilable differences," etc.

I'm not in the Kim Kardashian inner circle, so I only know information her branding machine spins for the public.

But the Kardashian/Humphries divorce does afford us a good opportunity to talk about commitment. Now, if you've spent any time around network marketing business at all, you've no doubt heard that on average, 97 percent of network marketing business companies go under within the first 90 days.

That's one of the best arguments to be made that I know of for finding a good upline that will help you out in the beginning and encourage you to take some sort of action consistently for the first three months of your business (and follow up with you to ensure you're doing it).

It's not easy.

But it does take, on average, three months of consistent effort for a network marketing business company to gain traction, which is why your good mentors will keep on you in the beginning.

The question of motivation is another thing that Kim Kardashian's marriage and subsequent divorce calls to mind.

Our upline mentor Rob Fore is known for his belief that you need to have a big enough "why" before you decide to take on a network marketing business business.

I think he stresses this because a big "why" will help see you through the roller coaster ride that is network marketing business.

Here are just a few of the reasons why people go into network marketing business:

They want financial freedom

They want more control over how they spend their time

They understand the tremendous potential to make money online

They are struggling to meet their bills, keep their homes, or find a job

among many others.

Your own network marketing business "why" might be in that list. Then again, your reasons may be totally different.

That's not the point.

Because what motivates one person is different than what motivates another.

What does matter is that the "why" you choose is big enough to keep you going.

But it does help to surround yourself with a support system of other network marketing business pros and a strong and generous upline.

Because sometimes, no matter how committed you are to your home based business or how big your "why" is, if you don't have people behind you, encouraging you, challenging you chances are very good that you won't make it.

After all, network marketing business is all about your network. Without it, you don't have a business.

I hope that Kim and her ex find whatever it is that they are looking for.

I also hope that their marriage/divorce will reinforce just how important commitment is, how it's not something to be entered into lightly, and how important it is to have a good support system behind us when we do pledge to do something.

Just how committed are you to building a strong and successful network marketing business business? And why? Do you have a solid support team behind you to help you stick to that commitment, no matter what?

We're looking to grow our team of network marketing business leaders and invite you to check out our opportunity and see if it's a good fit. If you could benefit from our years of expertise, leading-edge training, and commitment to our team, give us a call or leave a note, and let's get started.

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