Wednesday, December 14, 2011

For Those Of You Getting Ready To Begin Working Out - Get Started With A Walk

By Jim Salophokos

Creating some sort of personal workout program is a great way to get started losing weight. If you haven't exercised for some time, or never, you may not have any idea how to get moving. You probably think it's a bit frustrating. But not to worry, there's an easy way to start exercising again: walking! You definitely must add walking into your exercise plan if it's not already there.

First, when you're developing an exercise plan, be sure and include walking as an everyday activity. Do you own a dog? Take your pet for a nice, long walk. Anything under 10 minutes doesn't count. 10 minutes may not feel like like a lot of walking, but over the course of a month, or even a week, it adds up quickly. Do you want to get a bit more work out? Take your dog for two walks a day. One thing you might want to consider is walking part of the way to workplace; you can make this as long as you want by simply stopping short of your workplace. For sure, regardless how far you are located from your office, you can work something out to get some exercise on the way there. If you're fortunate enough to have only a thirty-minute or so walk to your office, that'll be an extra hour of walking every day. If you ride the bus to your office, just start using a stop that's a little farther from either end. You'll find it truly is no big deal to add more walking to your daily exercise program.

Walking is excellent for your body and overall health. This is because walking is one of the most efficacious aerobic exercises. This means it's not just great for your heart, but you'll get rid of extra pounds as well. Walking is usually done in a leisurely manner, so you won't be stressing your joints too much, unlike running. I have a brother who's one of those individuals who eats a ton of junk and fast food but never gains weight. How does he do it? He told me he's never really thought about it, but maybe it's because he walks quite a bit every day. At any rate it now makes sense. You don't have a good excuse not to exercise, when walking is extremely simple.

You'll have a better likelihood of sticking with your walking program if you just make it part of your everyday routine. Then, with a proper, nourishing diet, you'll also begin slimming down as if by magic. You won't have to be anxious about motivation, since walking is not all that exhausting, and you'll be pleased at how much better you feel. As you walk more and observe changes, you'll want to do more or step up the level of intensity of your walks. If you are confident that you can walk more - don't hold yourself back. Who knows? Maybe you'll get used to walking a lot that you decide you can bring up the notch a bit by jogging. After that, only the sky's your limit.

What else is there that you need to know? Are you excited to get started walking? You can always find time to walk around your work complex, or the block. If you can't do that, sign up for a gym membership and get on a treadmill. There are numerous ways to skin this exercise cat.

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