Monday, December 12, 2011

Three Key Ways to to Finding Inner Peace

By Tony Cuckson

One of life's most profound blessings is the blessing of inner peace out of which you are then ready to bless the others. This inner peace can be made a foundation of your personal and spiritual development. The essential question, and this then becomes a form of vision quest, is "Are you committed to taking this journey into the revelation of inner peace."

Inner Peace and the Power of Intention

All that is created, whether or not it is made manifest in form, or whether or not it's a state of mind, begins with the Power of Intention. It is the act of intending that creates a tension which then becomes a form of creative tension. So it is with the wish for inner peace. Without this intention, and without this commitment to that which is intended, one's life force gets scattered. To achieve inner peace one must be committed to becoming inner directed.

Inner Peace beyond Conflict

True inner peace isn't simply the absence of conflict. It goes much deeper than this. True inner peace transcends duality and becomes what's been called The Peace that Passeth Understanding. From a practical viewpoint most people's minds are more like badly tuned radios filled with the static of everyday thought. Inner peace of mind means you are able to think when you need to and allow the mind to be quiet when you would like it to be quiet. This ability is accomplished through the use of the holy technologies of meditation, prayer and contemplation.

Inner Peace is an Art

The achievement of inner peace is really an art. Like any art it requires commitment, lots of patience and daily practice. Peace of mind comes more as a revelation rather than being something you get. It is more, a no thing, that you abide within. It is a sort of invisible cloak that you learn to wrap yourself in. Quite often, at the start of this journey of personal development to peace of mind, all hell breaks loose. This is to be expected. This is part of the process of personal and spiritual development. Instead of finding that you are becoming more peaceful you're feeling more agitated. Instead of feeling you are on the high road to a beautiful new vision for your life you begin to feel yourself sinking into the mire. Without being conscious of this getting bogged down one tends to give up on the practice and so does not attain the blessing of inner peace of mind.

Inner Peace and Core Values

Find the deep peace of the infinite peace by making a committment to the greater good that is within you. Learn how to align yourself with your highest values and be practical. Turn within and make it your intention to become the revelation of deep inner peace that you are meant to become. Focus your attention, and intention, on at least one core value. Make this core value one that you would align your life force with. Align yourself with this core value in order to make manifest such energy in the world for the greatest good of all

In finding deep peace within you bless, not only yourself, but those who come into your presence. You invite the inner develoment of such deep peace through your grace filled presence. Deep peace of the infinite peace to you.

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