Saturday, December 17, 2011

Some Interesting Information About ADHD (Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) For You

By Tom Sullivan

ADHD (Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) is a childhood disorder that doctors discovered in the mid 1990s. This brain functioning illness usually effects children but has been known to be diagnosed in adults. Generally, this is a delayed diagnosis and the person has suffered with the disease since he or she was a child.

Many children have ADHD symptoms associated with social issues because of their constant movement and intensity. These children lack the ability to focus on one thing for an extended period of time. They will disrupt their classrooms in school, are unable to stay in their seats and will sometimes become physically aggressive to other children, pets or adults.

This is a neurological problem that is usually treated by some amount of therapy and counseling, plus a daily medication to keep the hyperactive nature of the child in check. It is a disorder that is studied more than any other childhood issue at this time.

Some adults and adolescents will be diagnosed with this problem, although it is usually diagnosed before or around the age of seven. Symptoms are generally seen around this age. It is known as a chronic problem that is not cured, only controlled.

Along with medication, a sufferer of this problem will need to be taught proper coping skills so they can learn to live with the anti-social effects of the behaviors associated with it. They want to live a comfortable everyday life and get along with others. Although it is true that boys are statistically more likely to have this disorder than girls, there is no reason given as of yet. This could be the fault of several different things, such as environmental effects or the naturally more aggressive nature of men than woman.

There is much misinformation that has been released in relation to this problem. Many parents are hesitant to put their children on daily medication and are fearful of the long term results. They may also be resistant to believing there is a serious problem with their child.

ADHD (Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder)is a diagnosis that needs to be given by a doctor trained to see the symptoms and understand the childs behaviors. There has been more research done on this disease in the last few decades than ever before and we are beginning to understand it, create better medicines and form new treatment procedures.

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